FlexDoc/Javadoc - JavadocClassic - Parameters
About JavadocClassic parameters

«Generate» parameter group
The parameter group to control the overall content of the generated Java API documentation.
Parameter | Name / Type / Description |
Grouping |
Available only in SingleDoc.tpl This parameter group controls how the generated details are grouped.When both module/package groupings are enabled, the whole generated content will look as follows:
gen.grouping.modules : boolean
Available only in SingleDoc.tpl Specify whether to group all module/package/class details by modules (only in the case of modular Java projects).
When selected (
Each module group is started with the Module Documentation section, whose generation is controlled by the parameter: Generate Details | Module. When Module Documentation is disabled, only module group heading will be generated. When this parameter is unselected (false ), the generated content will look as follows:
gen.grouping.packages : boolean
Available only in SingleDoc.tpl Specify whether to group all package/class details by packages.
When selected (
Each package group is started with the Package Documentation section, whose generation is controlled by the parameter: Generate Details | Package. When Package Documentation is disabled, only package group heading will be generated. When this parameter is unselected (false ), the generated content will look as follows (case of non-modular project):
Title Page |
gen.titlePage : boolean
Available only in SingleDoc.tpl Specify whether to generate the Title Page.
The title page is available only in single file documentation
(generated with Related Template:
Table Of Contents |
gen.toc : boolean
Available only in SingleDoc.tpl Specify whether to insert the Table Of Contents of the documentation, which is available both in HTML and RTF single-file output.However, in the case of RTF, the Table Of Contents is not actually generated. Rather, a special RTF “{TOC}” field is inserted. The real Table Of Contents is generated by MS Word according to that field and style/level paragraph settings specified on the headings of some documentation section.
Related Template:
Overview |
gen.overview : boolean
Specifies whether to generate the Overview page/section – an equivalent of the overview-summary.html file generated by the Standard Doclet. The Overview page is the front page of the entire documentation generated by this template set. It provides:
In case of single-file RTF/HTML documentation (generated by SingleDoc.tpl), the Overview section may also include:
gen.overview.modules : boolean
Specify if the Overview should include a module summary. Note:
gen.overview.packages : enum {"non_modular", "always", "never"}
Specify if the Overview should include a package summary. These are the packages containing any documented classes. For instance, when you document only a single class, there will be a package containing it, which will appear in the overview package summary, when this parameter is selected. Possible Choices: "non-modular only"
gen.overview.packages.groups : list of strings
This parameter is the analog of
Specifying Package GroupA package group is specified as follows:
Specifying Multiple Package GroupsDifferent package groups should be specified with separate items of the whole parameter value. Each value item should define a single group as described above. The items must be separated with one of the allowed item separators (newline or';' ).
The same can be also specified with two
-p option adds a separate value item to the 'gen.overview.packages.groups' parameter.
Using EscapesEach character that serves as a value item separator can be equally used within the value item if escaped with a backslash. If a backslash is not consumed by an escape it will be remained in the text as is. To make sure that a backslash is not part of some escape, you may add another backslash.For example, a package group with the title:
Group OrderingThe groups appear on the page in the order of the parameter's value items specifying each group (i.e. in the same order as the package groups are specified on the command line). The packages are alphabetized within a group.Packages Outside GroupsIf you specify no package groups (the parameter value is empty), all packages are placed in one group with the heading "Packages".If the all groups do not include all documented packages, any leftover packages appear in a separate group with the heading "Other Packages", which is printed the last. Default ValueThe default value of this parameter is produced from all-group
options found on the Javadoc command-line.
Each -group option is converted to a single value item of this parameter.
So, you can use Standard Doclet's
gen.overview.allClasses : boolean
Available only in SingleDoc.tpl Specify if the Overview should include the summary of all documented classes.Related Template:
Module |
gen.module : boolean
Specifies whether to generate a Module Documentation page/section for every documented module (an equivalent of the module-summary.html file generated by the Standard Doclet).
Module Documentation is generated mostly according the information found in the module declaration file (
gen.module.contents : enum {"documented", "api", "declared", "all", "none"}
Specify the granularity of the module information that appears Module Documentation. Possible Choices: "documented only"
gen.module.contents.note : boolean
Specify whether to add a special note/footnote that briefly describes which module packages are included in the Package Summary generated in the Module Documentation according to the setting of the parameter: If you don't need that note, you can disable it with this parameter. |
gen.module.indirectDependencies : boolean
Specify if Module Documentation should include the information obtained from the declarations of other modules required by this one:
All of that arises from the interpretation of
requires directives with transitive keyword
found in the corresponding found in the corresponding module declaration files (module-info.java ).
The lists of indirect exports may be too large and unwanted in single-file documentation (generated with SingleDoc.tpl main template). |
Package |
gen.package : boolean
Specifies whether to generate a Package Documentation page/section for every documented package
(an equivalent of the
Package Documentation may include:
gen.package.classes : boolean
Specify if Package Documentation should include the summary of all documented classes contained in that package. Related Template:
Class |
gen.class : boolean
Specify whether to generate a Class Documentation page/section for each
Class Documentation may include the class description, various reference lists about it, as well as the details of all documented members of that class (except nested classes). This provides the bulk of the whole Java API documentation. In the case of framed HTML documentation (generated by FramedDoc.tpl), the class documentation is always generated and, therefore, this parameter cannot be unchecked. Related Template:
gen.class.nested : boolean
Available only in SingleDoc.tpl Specify whether to generate separate Class Documentation sections for nested classes.Nested classes may be numerous and can overwhelm the single-file documentation with unnecessary details. However, it is possible to document only some of them using the nested “Names” parameter. |
gen.class.nested.names : list of strings
Available only in SingleDoc.tpl Using this parameter, you can specify only selected nested classes to be documented (instead of documenting them all).
The classes are specified as the list of their qualified names separated with newlines (
A qualified name pattern can be any Java qualified name appropriate in the given context,
or it can be the start of such a qualified name followed by an asterisk ( |
gen.class.member.summary : boolean
Specifies if the Class Documentation should include the summary of class members, i.e.
gen.class.member.summary.inherited : boolean
Specify whether to include the lists of inherited nested classes, fields or methods. |
gen.class.member.summary.inherited.exclude : list of strings
This parameter allows you to exclude the lists of inner classes, fields or methods that are inherited from the classes/interfaces which belong to the specified packages. For instance, you may want to suppress the long lists of the class members inherited from standard Java API classes and, thereby, to reduce the output documentation.
The packages, whose classes/interfaces should not appear in the "inherited from ..." lists,
are specified as the list of package patterns separated with newlines or colons (
A qualified name pattern can be any Java qualified name appropriate in the given context,
or it can be the start of such a qualified name followed by an asterisk ( |
gen.class.member.detail : boolean
Specify whether to include the details of class members (i.e. fields and methods).
If |
gen.class.member.detail.constantValues : boolean
Specify whether to show the constant field values directly in the field documentation headers. For example:
See Also Parameter: |
Cross-Reference Pages |
Available only in FramedDoc.tpl The parameter group to control the generation of various reference pages. |
gen.refs.use : boolean
Available only in FramedDoc.tpl Specify whether to generate a "use" page for each documented class and package, which describes what packages, classes, methods, constructors and fields use any API of the given class or package.These are the pages you reach via the «Use» button in the navigation bar. Default Value:
gen.refs.tree : boolean
Available only in FramedDoc.tpl Specify whether to generate class/interface hierarchy pages. These are the pages you reach using the «Tree» button in the command-line.Default Value:
gen.refs.deprecatedList : boolean
Available only in FramedDoc.tpl Specify whether to generate the deprecated API page (deprecated-list.html ),
which contains the list of deprecated APIs, and the «Deprecated» button in the navigation bar linking to that page.
This parameter has no effect on the generation of the deprecated API throughout the rest of the documentation, which is controlled separately by the parameter: Include | Deprecated API Default Value:
gen.refs.serializedForm : boolean
Available only in FramedDoc.tpl Specify whether to generate the serialized form page.That page contains information about serializable and externalizable classes. Each such class has a description of its serialization fields and methods. This information is of interest to re-implementors, not to developers using the API. While there is no link in the navigation bar, you can get to this information by going to any serialized class and clicking "Serialized Form" in the "See also" section of the class comment. Related Template: |
gen.refs.constantValues : boolean
Available only in FramedDoc.tpl Specify whether to generate the constant field values page (constant-values.html ), which lists the static final fields and their values.
Related Template: See Also Parameter: |
gen.refs.allClasses : boolean
Available only in FramedDoc.tpl Specifies whether to generate the All Classes page (an equivalent of theallclasses-index.html
file generated by the
Standard Doclet).
It provides the alphabetic list all documented classes with the summary description for each. You reach this page using the «All Classes» link in the navigation bar. See Also Parameter: Related Template: |
gen.refs.allPackages : boolean
Available only in FramedDoc.tpl Specifies whether to generate the All Packages page (an equivalent of theallpackages-index.html
file generated by the Standard Doclet).
It provides the alphabetic list all documented packages with the summary description for each. You reach this page using the «All Packages» link in the navigation bar. Related Template: |
gen.refs.index : boolean
Available only in FramedDoc.tpl Specify whether to generate an index, and the «Index» button in the navigation bar linking to that page.Default Value:
gen.refs.index.split : boolean
Available only in FramedDoc.tpl Specify whether to split the index file into multiple files, alphabetically, one file per letter, plus a file for any index entries that start with non-alphabetical characters.Default Value:
Help |
gen.help : boolean
Available only in FramedDoc.tpl Specify whether to generate the help page. This is the page you reach using the «Help» button in the navigation bar.Default Value:
Navigation bar |
gen.navbar : boolean
Available only in FramedDoc.tpl Specify whether to generate the navigation bar located at the top and bottom of the generated pages.This parameter has no effect on the bottom text specified with the parameter: Generate | Bottom Text Default Value:
gen.navbar.headerText : text
Available only in FramedDoc.tpl This parameter is similar to-header
option provided by the Standard Doclet.
It specifies the header text to be placed at the top of each detail page.
The header will be placed to the right of the upper navigation bar.
Additionally, when the header text is specified, it is inserted also at the top of the all package list
( The header text may contain HTML tags and white space. Default Value:
gen.navbar.footerText : text
Available only in FramedDoc.tpl This parameter is similar to-footer
option provided by the Standard Doclet.
It specifies the footer text to be placed at the bottom of each each detail page.
The footer will be placed to the right of the lower navigation bar.
The footer text may contain HTML tags and white space. When the footer text is not specified, the header text (specified in "Header Text" parameter) will be used instead of it. Default Value:
Bottom Text |
gen.bottomText : text
This parameter is similar to
The bottom text may contain HTML tags and white space. Default Value:
About (footer) |
gen.about : enum {"full", "short", "none"}
Specify whether to generate the "About" section added at the bottom of each generated document. This section shows certain information about FlexDoc/Javadoc software, which powers this Java API Documentation Generator. Possible Choices: "full"