FlexDoc.XYZ - Features
Key Features
- General
- Data processing
- FlexQuery expressions
- Supported output formats
- Generated output
- Inserting images
- Creating hyperlinks
- Formatting techniques
- Embedded HTML support
- Integration capabilities
Data Processing Features
- XML file data sources
- Java application data sources
- Single document from multiple data sources
- Creating framed HTML documentation
- Inserting graphic images
- Creating hyperlinks
- Supported data types
- FlexQuery-expressions
- Retrieving elements/attributes by Location Paths
- Iterations by elements, attributes, attribute values
- Collecting elements by Location Rules
- Other methods of collecting elements
- Sorting
Formatting Features
- Output formats
- Text formatting
- Paragraphs
- Styles
- Borders
- Tables
- Lists
- Document fields
- Page formatting
- Image formatting
- Rendering of embedded HTML