eBay Trading API

complexType "ns:TransactionType"
complex, 75 elements, elem. wildcard
globally in Schema in ebaySvc.wsdl; see XML source
definitions of 75 elements, elem. wildcard
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
ns:AmountPaid?, ns:AdjustmentAmount?, ns:ConvertedAdjustmentAmount?, ns:Buyer?, ns:ShippingDetails?, ns:ConvertedAmountPaid?, ns:ConvertedTransactionPrice?, ns:CreatedDate?, ns:DepositType?, ns:Item?, ns:QuantityPurchased?, ns:Status?, ns:TransactionID?, ns:TransactionPrice?, ns:BestOfferSale?, ns:VATPercent?, ns:ExternalTransaction*, ns:SellingManagerProductDetails?, ns:ShippingServiceSelected?, ns:BuyerMessage?, ns:DutchAuctionBid?, ns:BuyerPaidStatus?, ns:SellerPaidStatus?, ns:PaidTime?, ns:ShippedTime?, ns:TotalPrice?, ns:FeedbackLeft?, ns:FeedbackReceived?, ns:ContainingOrder?, ns:FinalValueFee?, ns:ListingCheckoutRedirectPreference?, ns:RefundArray?, ns:TransactionSiteID?, ns:Platform?, ns:CartID?, ns:SellerContactBuyerByEmail?, ns:PayPalEmailAddress?, ns:PaisaPayID?, ns:BuyerGuaranteePrice?, ns:Variation?, ns:BuyerCheckoutMessage?, ns:TotalTransactionPrice?, ns:Taxes?, ns:BundlePurchase?, ns:ActualShippingCost?, ns:ActualHandlingCost?, ns:OrderLineItemID?, ns:eBayPaymentID?, ns:PaymentHoldDetails?, ns:SellerDiscounts?, ns:RefundAmount?, ns:RefundStatus?, ns:CodiceFiscale?, ns:IsMultiLegShipping?, ns:MultiLegShippingDetails?, ns:InvoiceSentTime?, ns:UnpaidItem?, ns:IntangibleItem?, ns:MonetaryDetails?, ns:PickupDetails?, ns:PickupMethodSelected?, ns:ShippingConvenienceCharge?, ns:LogisticsPlanType?, ns:BuyerPackageEnclosures?, ns:InventoryReservationID?, ns:ExtendedOrderID?, ns:eBayPlusTransaction?, ns:GiftSummary?, ns:DigitalDeliverySelected?, ns:Gift?, ns:GuaranteedShipping?, ns:GuaranteedDelivery?, ns:eBayCollectAndRemitTax?, ns:eBayCollectAndRemitTaxes?, ns:Program?, {any}*
All Direct / Indirect Based Elements (2):
ns:Transaction (defined in ns:TransactionArrayType complexType),
Known Usage Locations
Contains information about a sales transaction from an eBay listing. This identifier is automatically created by the eBay system once a buyer has committed to make a purchase in an auction or fixed-price listing. A fixed-priced listing (single or multiple-variation) with multiple quantity can spawn one or more sales transactions.
XML Source (w/o annotations (76); see within schema source)
<xs:complexType name="TransactionType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="AmountPaid" type="ns:AmountType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="AdjustmentAmount" type="ns:AmountType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ConvertedAdjustmentAmount" type="ns:AmountType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Buyer" type="ns:UserType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ShippingDetails" type="ns:ShippingDetailsType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ConvertedAmountPaid" type="ns:AmountType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ConvertedTransactionPrice" type="ns:AmountType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CreatedDate" type="xs:dateTime"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DepositType" type="ns:DepositTypeCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Item" type="ns:ItemType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="QuantityPurchased" type="xs:int"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Status" type="ns:TransactionStatusType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="TransactionID" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="TransactionPrice" type="ns:AmountType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BestOfferSale" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="VATPercent" type="xs:decimal"/>
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="ExternalTransaction" type="ns:ExternalTransactionType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SellingManagerProductDetails" type="ns:SellingManagerProductDetailsType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ShippingServiceSelected" type="ns:ShippingServiceOptionsType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BuyerMessage" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DutchAuctionBid" type="ns:AmountType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BuyerPaidStatus" type="ns:PaidStatusCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SellerPaidStatus" type="ns:PaidStatusCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PaidTime" type="xs:dateTime"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ShippedTime" type="xs:dateTime"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="TotalPrice" type="ns:AmountType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="FeedbackLeft" type="ns:FeedbackInfoType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="FeedbackReceived" type="ns:FeedbackInfoType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ContainingOrder" type="ns:OrderType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="FinalValueFee" type="ns:AmountType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="RefundArray" type="ns:RefundArrayType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="TransactionSiteID" type="ns:SiteCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Platform" type="ns:TransactionPlatformCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CartID" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SellerContactBuyerByEmail" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PayPalEmailAddress" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PaisaPayID" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BuyerGuaranteePrice" type="ns:AmountType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Variation" type="ns:VariationType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BuyerCheckoutMessage" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="TotalTransactionPrice" type="ns:AmountType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Taxes" type="ns:TaxesType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BundlePurchase" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ActualShippingCost" type="ns:AmountType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ActualHandlingCost" type="ns:AmountType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="OrderLineItemID" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayPaymentID" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PaymentHoldDetails" type="ns:PaymentHoldDetailType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SellerDiscounts" type="ns:SellerDiscountsType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="RefundAmount" type="ns:AmountType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="RefundStatus" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CodiceFiscale" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="IsMultiLegShipping" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MultiLegShippingDetails" type="ns:MultiLegShippingDetailsType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="InvoiceSentTime" type="xs:dateTime"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="UnpaidItem" type="ns:UnpaidItemType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="IntangibleItem" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MonetaryDetails" type="ns:PaymentsInformationType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PickupDetails" type="ns:PickupDetailsType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PickupMethodSelected" type="ns:PickupMethodSelectedType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ShippingConvenienceCharge" type="ns:AmountType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LogisticsPlanType" type="xs:token"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BuyerPackageEnclosures" type="ns:BuyerPackageEnclosuresType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="InventoryReservationID" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ExtendedOrderID" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayPlusTransaction" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="GiftSummary" type="ns:GiftSummaryType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DigitalDeliverySelected" type="ns:DigitalDeliverySelectedType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Gift" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="GuaranteedShipping" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="GuaranteedDelivery" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayCollectAndRemitTax" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayCollectAndRemitTaxes" type="ns:TaxesType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Program" type="ns:TransactionProgramType"/>
<xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" processContents="lax"/>
Content Element Detail (all declarations defined in this component; 76/76)
ns:AmountType, simple content
The handling cost that the seller has charged for the order line item. This field is only returned after checkout is complete.

The value of this field is returned as zero dollars (0.0) if the seller did not specify a handling cost for the listing.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("AFA" | "ALL" | "DZD" | "ADP" | "AOA" | "ARS" | "AMD" | "AWG" | "AZM" | "BSD" | "BHD" | "BDT" | "BBD" | "BYR" | "BZD" | "BMD" | "BTN" | "INR" | "BOV" | "BOB" | "BAM" | "BWP" | "BRL" | "BND" | "BGL" | "BGN" | "BIF" | "KHR" | "CAD" | "CVE" | "KYD" | "XAF" | "CLF" | "CLP" | "CNY" | "COP" | "KMF" | "CDF" | "CRC" | "HRK" | "CUP" | "CYP" | "CZK" | "DKK" | "DJF" | "DOP" | "TPE" | "ECV" | "ECS" | "EGP" | "SVC" | "ERN" | "EEK" | "ETB" | "FKP" | "FJD" | "GMD" | "GEL" | "GHC" | "GIP" | "GTQ" | "GNF" | "GWP" | "GYD" | "HTG" | "HNL" | "HKD" | "HUF" | "ISK" | "IDR" | "IRR" | "IQD" | "ILS" | "JMD" | "JPY" | "JOD" | "KZT" | "KES" | "AUD" | "KPW" | "KRW" | "KWD" | "KGS" | "LAK" | "LVL" | "LBP" | "LSL" | "LRD" | "LYD" | "CHF" | "LTL" | "MOP" | "MKD" | "MGF" | "MWK" | "MYR" | "MVR" | "MTL" | "EUR" | "MRO" | "MUR" | "MXN" | "MXV" | "MDL" | "MNT" | "XCD" | "MZM" | "MMK" | "ZAR" | "NAD" | "NPR" | "ANG" | "XPF" | "NZD" | "NIO" | "NGN" | "NOK" | "OMR" | "PKR" | "PAB" | "PGK" | "PYG" | "PEN" | "PHP" | "PLN" | "USD" | "QAR" | "ROL" | "RUB" | "RUR" | "RWF" | "SHP" | "WST" | "STD" | "SAR" | "SCR" | "SLL" | "SGD" | "SKK" | "SIT" | "SBD" | "SOS" | "LKR" | "SDD" | "SRG" | "SZL" | "SEK" | "SYP" | "TWD" | "TJS" | "TZS" | "THB" | "XOF" | "TOP" | "TTD" | "TND" | "TRL" | "TMM" | "UGX" | "UAH" | "AED" | "GBP" | "USS" | "USN" | "UYU" | "UZS" | "VUV" | "VEB" | "VND" | "MAD" | "YER" | "YUM" | "ZMK" | "ZWD" | "ATS" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ActualHandlingCost" type="ns:AmountType"/>

ns:AmountType, simple content
The shipping cost paid by the buyer for the order line item. This field is only returned after checkout is complete.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("AFA" | "ALL" | "DZD" | "ADP" | "AOA" | "ARS" | "AMD" | "AWG" | "AZM" | "BSD" | "BHD" | "BDT" | "BBD" | "BYR" | "BZD" | "BMD" | "BTN" | "INR" | "BOV" | "BOB" | "BAM" | "BWP" | "BRL" | "BND" | "BGL" | "BGN" | "BIF" | "KHR" | "CAD" | "CVE" | "KYD" | "XAF" | "CLF" | "CLP" | "CNY" | "COP" | "KMF" | "CDF" | "CRC" | "HRK" | "CUP" | "CYP" | "CZK" | "DKK" | "DJF" | "DOP" | "TPE" | "ECV" | "ECS" | "EGP" | "SVC" | "ERN" | "EEK" | "ETB" | "FKP" | "FJD" | "GMD" | "GEL" | "GHC" | "GIP" | "GTQ" | "GNF" | "GWP" | "GYD" | "HTG" | "HNL" | "HKD" | "HUF" | "ISK" | "IDR" | "IRR" | "IQD" | "ILS" | "JMD" | "JPY" | "JOD" | "KZT" | "KES" | "AUD" | "KPW" | "KRW" | "KWD" | "KGS" | "LAK" | "LVL" | "LBP" | "LSL" | "LRD" | "LYD" | "CHF" | "LTL" | "MOP" | "MKD" | "MGF" | "MWK" | "MYR" | "MVR" | "MTL" | "EUR" | "MRO" | "MUR" | "MXN" | "MXV" | "MDL" | "MNT" | "XCD" | "MZM" | "MMK" | "ZAR" | "NAD" | "NPR" | "ANG" | "XPF" | "NZD" | "NIO" | "NGN" | "NOK" | "OMR" | "PKR" | "PAB" | "PGK" | "PYG" | "PEN" | "PHP" | "PLN" | "USD" | "QAR" | "ROL" | "RUB" | "RUR" | "RWF" | "SHP" | "WST" | "STD" | "SAR" | "SCR" | "SLL" | "SGD" | "SKK" | "SIT" | "SBD" | "SOS" | "LKR" | "SDD" | "SRG" | "SZL" | "SEK" | "SYP" | "TWD" | "TJS" | "TZS" | "THB" | "XOF" | "TOP" | "TTD" | "TND" | "TRL" | "TMM" | "UGX" | "UAH" | "AED" | "GBP" | "USS" | "USN" | "UYU" | "UZS" | "VUV" | "VEB" | "VND" | "MAD" | "YER" | "YUM" | "ZMK" | "ZWD" | "ATS" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ActualShippingCost" type="ns:AmountType"/>

ns:AmountType, simple content
This value indicates the dollar amount by which the buyer has adjusted the the total cost of the sales transaction. Adjustments to sales transaction costs may include shipping and handling, buyer discounts, or added services. A positive amount indicates the amount is an extra charge being paid to the seller by the buyer. A negative value indicates this amount is a credit given to the buyer by the seller.

This field is always returned, even if there was no cost adjustment to the sales transaction. Its value will just be '0.0' if there was no cost adjustment.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("AFA" | "ALL" | "DZD" | "ADP" | "AOA" | "ARS" | "AMD" | "AWG" | "AZM" | "BSD" | "BHD" | "BDT" | "BBD" | "BYR" | "BZD" | "BMD" | "BTN" | "INR" | "BOV" | "BOB" | "BAM" | "BWP" | "BRL" | "BND" | "BGL" | "BGN" | "BIF" | "KHR" | "CAD" | "CVE" | "KYD" | "XAF" | "CLF" | "CLP" | "CNY" | "COP" | "KMF" | "CDF" | "CRC" | "HRK" | "CUP" | "CYP" | "CZK" | "DKK" | "DJF" | "DOP" | "TPE" | "ECV" | "ECS" | "EGP" | "SVC" | "ERN" | "EEK" | "ETB" | "FKP" | "FJD" | "GMD" | "GEL" | "GHC" | "GIP" | "GTQ" | "GNF" | "GWP" | "GYD" | "HTG" | "HNL" | "HKD" | "HUF" | "ISK" | "IDR" | "IRR" | "IQD" | "ILS" | "JMD" | "JPY" | "JOD" | "KZT" | "KES" | "AUD" | "KPW" | "KRW" | "KWD" | "KGS" | "LAK" | "LVL" | "LBP" | "LSL" | "LRD" | "LYD" | "CHF" | "LTL" | "MOP" | "MKD" | "MGF" | "MWK" | "MYR" | "MVR" | "MTL" | "EUR" | "MRO" | "MUR" | "MXN" | "MXV" | "MDL" | "MNT" | "XCD" | "MZM" | "MMK" | "ZAR" | "NAD" | "NPR" | "ANG" | "XPF" | "NZD" | "NIO" | "NGN" | "NOK" | "OMR" | "PKR" | "PAB" | "PGK" | "PYG" | "PEN" | "PHP" | "PLN" | "USD" | "QAR" | "ROL" | "RUB" | "RUR" | "RWF" | "SHP" | "WST" | "STD" | "SAR" | "SCR" | "SLL" | "SGD" | "SKK" | "SIT" | "SBD" | "SOS" | "LKR" | "SDD" | "SRG" | "SZL" | "SEK" | "SYP" | "TWD" | "TJS" | "TZS" | "THB" | "XOF" | "TOP" | "TTD" | "TND" | "TRL" | "TMM" | "UGX" | "UAH" | "AED" | "GBP" | "USS" | "USN" | "UYU" | "UZS" | "VUV" | "VEB" | "VND" | "MAD" | "YER" | "YUM" | "ZMK" | "ZWD" | "ATS" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="AdjustmentAmount" type="ns:AmountType"/>

ns:AmountType, simple content
The total amount the buyer paid for the order line item. This amount includes all costs such as item cost, shipping/handling charges, and sales tax that is applied to the order by the seller. If the seller allowed the buyer to change the total for an order, the buyer is able to change the total up until the time when Checkout status is Complete. Determine whether the buyer changed the amount by retrieving the order line item data and comparing the AmountPaid value to what the seller expected. If multiple order line items between the same buyer and seller have been combined into a 'Combined Invoice' order, the AmountPaid value returned for each line item in the order reflects the total amount paid for the entire order, and not for the individual order line item. In a GetItemTransactions or GetSellerTransactions call, you can determine which order line items belong to the same 'Combined Invoice' order by checking to see if the ContainingOrder.OrderID value is the same.

Note: As of November 2019, for orders subject to eBay 'Collect and Remit' taxes, PayPal has begun distributing order funds to the seller's account with the sales tax included. eBay 'Collect and Remit' tax includes US sales tax for numerous states, and 'Good and Services' tax that is applicable to Australian and New Zealand sellers. This 'Collect and Remit' tax amount for the order will be included in the AmountPaid value. To determine if 'Collect and Remit' taxes were added into AmountPaid value, the user can check for the Transaction.eBayCollectAndRemitTaxes.TaxDetails and the Transaction.Taxes.TaxDetails containers in the response. If both of these containers appear in the response with a TaxDetails.TaxDescription value of SalesTax (in US) or GST (in Australia or New Zealand), the tax amount that the buyer paid is in this amount.

Sellers should be aware that the sales tax that the buyer pays for the order will initially be included when the order funds are distributed to their PayPal account, but that PayPal will pull out the sales tax amount shortly after the payment clears, and will distribute the sales tax to the appropriate taxing authority. Previous to this change, PayPal would strip out the 'Collect and Remit' tax before distributing order funds to the seller's account.

This logic change does not apply to sellers who are in eBay managed payments, so the amount in this field will never reflect any 'Collect and Remit' tax, even if the order is subject to 'Collect and Remit' tax.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("AFA" | "ALL" | "DZD" | "ADP" | "AOA" | "ARS" | "AMD" | "AWG" | "AZM" | "BSD" | "BHD" | "BDT" | "BBD" | "BYR" | "BZD" | "BMD" | "BTN" | "INR" | "BOV" | "BOB" | "BAM" | "BWP" | "BRL" | "BND" | "BGL" | "BGN" | "BIF" | "KHR" | "CAD" | "CVE" | "KYD" | "XAF" | "CLF" | "CLP" | "CNY" | "COP" | "KMF" | "CDF" | "CRC" | "HRK" | "CUP" | "CYP" | "CZK" | "DKK" | "DJF" | "DOP" | "TPE" | "ECV" | "ECS" | "EGP" | "SVC" | "ERN" | "EEK" | "ETB" | "FKP" | "FJD" | "GMD" | "GEL" | "GHC" | "GIP" | "GTQ" | "GNF" | "GWP" | "GYD" | "HTG" | "HNL" | "HKD" | "HUF" | "ISK" | "IDR" | "IRR" | "IQD" | "ILS" | "JMD" | "JPY" | "JOD" | "KZT" | "KES" | "AUD" | "KPW" | "KRW" | "KWD" | "KGS" | "LAK" | "LVL" | "LBP" | "LSL" | "LRD" | "LYD" | "CHF" | "LTL" | "MOP" | "MKD" | "MGF" | "MWK" | "MYR" | "MVR" | "MTL" | "EUR" | "MRO" | "MUR" | "MXN" | "MXV" | "MDL" | "MNT" | "XCD" | "MZM" | "MMK" | "ZAR" | "NAD" | "NPR" | "ANG" | "XPF" | "NZD" | "NIO" | "NGN" | "NOK" | "OMR" | "PKR" | "PAB" | "PGK" | "PYG" | "PEN" | "PHP" | "PLN" | "USD" | "QAR" | "ROL" | "RUB" | "RUR" | "RWF" | "SHP" | "WST" | "STD" | "SAR" | "SCR" | "SLL" | "SGD" | "SKK" | "SIT" | "SBD" | "SOS" | "LKR" | "SDD" | "SRG" | "SZL" | "SEK" | "SYP" | "TWD" | "TJS" | "TZS" | "THB" | "XOF" | "TOP" | "TTD" | "TND" | "TRL" | "TMM" | "UGX" | "UAH" | "AED" | "GBP" | "USS" | "USN" | "UYU" | "UZS" | "VUV" | "VEB" | "VND" | "MAD" | "YER" | "YUM" | "ZMK" | "ZWD" | "ATS" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="AmountPaid" type="ns:AmountType"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether or not the sales transaction resulted from the seller accepting a Best Offer (or Counter Offer) from a buyer.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BestOfferSale" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Boolean value indicating whether or not an order line item is part of a bundle purchase using Product Configurator.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BundlePurchase" type="xs:boolean"/>

ns:UserType, complex content
Container consisting of user and shipping details for the order's buyer. To be returned by GetItemsAwaitingFeedback the seller must be the one making the request.

For GetOrders, GetOrderTransactions, and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this container will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, real data is only returned to the buyer or seller, and dummy/masked data will be returned to all third parties.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Buyer" type="ns:UserType"/>

xs:string, predefined, simple content
This field is returned if a buyer left a comment for the seller during the left by buyer during the checkout flow.

For GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, real data is only returned to the buyer or seller, and a string value of Unavailable will be returned to all third parties.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:string }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BuyerCheckoutMessage" type="xs:string"/>

ns:AmountType, simple content
For the Australia site, BuyerGuaranteePrice is the PayPal Buyer Protection coverage, offered for the item at the time of purchase. Details of coverage are in the following sections of the View Item page: the Buy Safely section and the Payment Details section.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("AFA" | "ALL" | "DZD" | "ADP" | "AOA" | "ARS" | "AMD" | "AWG" | "AZM" | "BSD" | "BHD" | "BDT" | "BBD" | "BYR" | "BZD" | "BMD" | "BTN" | "INR" | "BOV" | "BOB" | "BAM" | "BWP" | "BRL" | "BND" | "BGL" | "BGN" | "BIF" | "KHR" | "CAD" | "CVE" | "KYD" | "XAF" | "CLF" | "CLP" | "CNY" | "COP" | "KMF" | "CDF" | "CRC" | "HRK" | "CUP" | "CYP" | "CZK" | "DKK" | "DJF" | "DOP" | "TPE" | "ECV" | "ECS" | "EGP" | "SVC" | "ERN" | "EEK" | "ETB" | "FKP" | "FJD" | "GMD" | "GEL" | "GHC" | "GIP" | "GTQ" | "GNF" | "GWP" | "GYD" | "HTG" | "HNL" | "HKD" | "HUF" | "ISK" | "IDR" | "IRR" | "IQD" | "ILS" | "JMD" | "JPY" | "JOD" | "KZT" | "KES" | "AUD" | "KPW" | "KRW" | "KWD" | "KGS" | "LAK" | "LVL" | "LBP" | "LSL" | "LRD" | "LYD" | "CHF" | "LTL" | "MOP" | "MKD" | "MGF" | "MWK" | "MYR" | "MVR" | "MTL" | "EUR" | "MRO" | "MUR" | "MXN" | "MXV" | "MDL" | "MNT" | "XCD" | "MZM" | "MMK" | "ZAR" | "NAD" | "NPR" | "ANG" | "XPF" | "NZD" | "NIO" | "NGN" | "NOK" | "OMR" | "PKR" | "PAB" | "PGK" | "PYG" | "PEN" | "PHP" | "PLN" | "USD" | "QAR" | "ROL" | "RUB" | "RUR" | "RWF" | "SHP" | "WST" | "STD" | "SAR" | "SCR" | "SLL" | "SGD" | "SKK" | "SIT" | "SBD" | "SOS" | "LKR" | "SDD" | "SRG" | "SZL" | "SEK" | "SYP" | "TWD" | "TJS" | "TZS" | "THB" | "XOF" | "TOP" | "TTD" | "TND" | "TRL" | "TMM" | "UGX" | "UAH" | "AED" | "GBP" | "USS" | "USN" | "UYU" | "UZS" | "VUV" | "VEB" | "VND" | "MAD" | "YER" | "YUM" | "ZMK" | "ZWD" | "ATS" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BuyerGuaranteePrice" type="ns:AmountType"/>

xs:string, predefined, simple content
Display message from buyer. This field holds transient data that is only being returned in Checkout-related notifications.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:string }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BuyerMessage" type="xs:string"/>

This container is returned in GetOrders (and other order management calls) if the 'Pay Upon Invoice' option is being offered to the buyer, and the seller is including payment instructions in the shipping package(s) for the order. The 'Pay Upon Invoice' option is only available on the Germany site.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BuyerPackageEnclosures" type="ns:BuyerPackageEnclosuresType"/>

ns:PaidStatusCodeType, simple content
Specifies the paid status of the order.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BuyerPaidStatus" type="ns:PaidStatusCodeType"/>

xs:string, predefined, simple content
This field is no longer applicable as listings are no longer created or managed with eBay APIs.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:string }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CartID" type="xs:string"/>

xs:string, predefined, simple content
This field is returned if the IncludeCodiceFiscale flag is included in the request and set to true, and if the buyer has provided this value at checkout time.

This field is only applicable to buyers on the Italy and Spain sites. The Codice Fiscale number is unique for each Italian and Spanish citizen and is used for tax purposes.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:string }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CodiceFiscale" type="xs:string"/>

ns:OrderType, complex content
This container is returned in a GetItemTransactions or GetSellerTransactions response if the IncludeContainingOrder field is included in the call request payload and set to 'true'. This container will be returned whether the order line item is the only line item in the order, or if the order has multiple line items.

Note: The new OrderLineItemCount field is automatically returned if the user is using Version 1113 of the Trading WSDL (or newer, as versions roll out). If the user is using Versions 1107 or 1111 of the Trading WSDL, the OrderLineItemCount field will only be returned if the user includes the X-EBAY-API-COMPATIBILITY-LEVEL HTTP header and sets its value to 1113. If a user is using a Trading WSDL older than 1107, the OrderLineItemCount field will not be returned.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ContainingOrder" type="ns:OrderType"/>

ns:AmountType, simple content
This field shows the converted value of AdjustmentAmount in the currency of the site that returned the response. Refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

This field is always returned, even if there was no cost adjustment to the sales transaction. Its value will just be '0.0' if there was no cost adjustment. This value should be the same as the value in AdjustmentAmount if the eBay listing site and the site that returned the response are the same, or use the same currency.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("AFA" | "ALL" | "DZD" | "ADP" | "AOA" | "ARS" | "AMD" | "AWG" | "AZM" | "BSD" | "BHD" | "BDT" | "BBD" | "BYR" | "BZD" | "BMD" | "BTN" | "INR" | "BOV" | "BOB" | "BAM" | "BWP" | "BRL" | "BND" | "BGL" | "BGN" | "BIF" | "KHR" | "CAD" | "CVE" | "KYD" | "XAF" | "CLF" | "CLP" | "CNY" | "COP" | "KMF" | "CDF" | "CRC" | "HRK" | "CUP" | "CYP" | "CZK" | "DKK" | "DJF" | "DOP" | "TPE" | "ECV" | "ECS" | "EGP" | "SVC" | "ERN" | "EEK" | "ETB" | "FKP" | "FJD" | "GMD" | "GEL" | "GHC" | "GIP" | "GTQ" | "GNF" | "GWP" | "GYD" | "HTG" | "HNL" | "HKD" | "HUF" | "ISK" | "IDR" | "IRR" | "IQD" | "ILS" | "JMD" | "JPY" | "JOD" | "KZT" | "KES" | "AUD" | "KPW" | "KRW" | "KWD" | "KGS" | "LAK" | "LVL" | "LBP" | "LSL" | "LRD" | "LYD" | "CHF" | "LTL" | "MOP" | "MKD" | "MGF" | "MWK" | "MYR" | "MVR" | "MTL" | "EUR" | "MRO" | "MUR" | "MXN" | "MXV" | "MDL" | "MNT" | "XCD" | "MZM" | "MMK" | "ZAR" | "NAD" | "NPR" | "ANG" | "XPF" | "NZD" | "NIO" | "NGN" | "NOK" | "OMR" | "PKR" | "PAB" | "PGK" | "PYG" | "PEN" | "PHP" | "PLN" | "USD" | "QAR" | "ROL" | "RUB" | "RUR" | "RWF" | "SHP" | "WST" | "STD" | "SAR" | "SCR" | "SLL" | "SGD" | "SKK" | "SIT" | "SBD" | "SOS" | "LKR" | "SDD" | "SRG" | "SZL" | "SEK" | "SYP" | "TWD" | "TJS" | "TZS" | "THB" | "XOF" | "TOP" | "TTD" | "TND" | "TRL" | "TMM" | "UGX" | "UAH" | "AED" | "GBP" | "USS" | "USN" | "UYU" | "UZS" | "VUV" | "VEB" | "VND" | "MAD" | "YER" | "YUM" | "ZMK" | "ZWD" | "ATS" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ConvertedAdjustmentAmount" type="ns:AmountType"/>

ns:AmountType, simple content
This field shows the converted value of AmountPaid in the currency of the site that returned the response. Refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

This field is always returned for paid orders. This value should be the same as the value in AmountPaid if the eBay listing site and the site that returned the response are the same, or use the same currency.

Note: As of November 2019, for orders subject to eBay 'Collect and Remit' taxes, PayPal has begun distributing order funds to the seller's account with the sales tax included. eBay 'Collect and Remit' tax includes US sales tax for numerous states, and 'Good and Services' tax that is applicable to Australian and New Zealand sellers. This 'Collect and Remit' tax amount for the order will be included in the ConvertedAmountPaid value. To determine if 'Collect and Remit' taxes were added into ConvertedAmountPaid value, the user can check for the Transaction.eBayCollectAndRemitTaxes.TaxDetails and the Transaction.Taxes.TaxDetails containers in the response. If both of these containers appear in the response with a TaxDetails.TaxDescription value of SalesTax (in US) or GST (in Australia or New Zealand), the tax amount that the buyer paid is in this amount.

Sellers should be aware that the sales tax that the buyer pays for the order will initially be included when the order funds are distributed to their PayPal account, but that PayPal will pull out the sales tax amount shortly after the payment clears, and will distribute the sales tax to the appropriate taxing authority. Previous to this change, PayPal would strip out the 'Collect and Remit' tax before distributing order funds to the seller's account.

This logic change does not apply to sellers who are in eBay managed payments, so the amount in this field will never reflect any 'Collect and Remit' tax, even if the order is subject to 'Collect and Remit' tax.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("AFA" | "ALL" | "DZD" | "ADP" | "AOA" | "ARS" | "AMD" | "AWG" | "AZM" | "BSD" | "BHD" | "BDT" | "BBD" | "BYR" | "BZD" | "BMD" | "BTN" | "INR" | "BOV" | "BOB" | "BAM" | "BWP" | "BRL" | "BND" | "BGL" | "BGN" | "BIF" | "KHR" | "CAD" | "CVE" | "KYD" | "XAF" | "CLF" | "CLP" | "CNY" | "COP" | "KMF" | "CDF" | "CRC" | "HRK" | "CUP" | "CYP" | "CZK" | "DKK" | "DJF" | "DOP" | "TPE" | "ECV" | "ECS" | "EGP" | "SVC" | "ERN" | "EEK" | "ETB" | "FKP" | "FJD" | "GMD" | "GEL" | "GHC" | "GIP" | "GTQ" | "GNF" | "GWP" | "GYD" | "HTG" | "HNL" | "HKD" | "HUF" | "ISK" | "IDR" | "IRR" | "IQD" | "ILS" | "JMD" | "JPY" | "JOD" | "KZT" | "KES" | "AUD" | "KPW" | "KRW" | "KWD" | "KGS" | "LAK" | "LVL" | "LBP" | "LSL" | "LRD" | "LYD" | "CHF" | "LTL" | "MOP" | "MKD" | "MGF" | "MWK" | "MYR" | "MVR" | "MTL" | "EUR" | "MRO" | "MUR" | "MXN" | "MXV" | "MDL" | "MNT" | "XCD" | "MZM" | "MMK" | "ZAR" | "NAD" | "NPR" | "ANG" | "XPF" | "NZD" | "NIO" | "NGN" | "NOK" | "OMR" | "PKR" | "PAB" | "PGK" | "PYG" | "PEN" | "PHP" | "PLN" | "USD" | "QAR" | "ROL" | "RUB" | "RUR" | "RWF" | "SHP" | "WST" | "STD" | "SAR" | "SCR" | "SLL" | "SGD" | "SKK" | "SIT" | "SBD" | "SOS" | "LKR" | "SDD" | "SRG" | "SZL" | "SEK" | "SYP" | "TWD" | "TJS" | "TZS" | "THB" | "XOF" | "TOP" | "TTD" | "TND" | "TRL" | "TMM" | "UGX" | "UAH" | "AED" | "GBP" | "USS" | "USN" | "UYU" | "UZS" | "VUV" | "VEB" | "VND" | "MAD" | "YER" | "YUM" | "ZMK" | "ZWD" | "ATS" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ConvertedAmountPaid" type="ns:AmountType"/>

ns:AmountType, simple content
This field shows the converted value of TransactionPrice in the currency of the site that returned the response. Refresh this value every 24 hours to pick up the current conversion rates.

This field is always returned for sales transactions. This value should be the same as the value in TransactionPrice if the eBay listing site and the site that returned the response are the same, or use the same currency.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("AFA" | "ALL" | "DZD" | "ADP" | "AOA" | "ARS" | "AMD" | "AWG" | "AZM" | "BSD" | "BHD" | "BDT" | "BBD" | "BYR" | "BZD" | "BMD" | "BTN" | "INR" | "BOV" | "BOB" | "BAM" | "BWP" | "BRL" | "BND" | "BGL" | "BGN" | "BIF" | "KHR" | "CAD" | "CVE" | "KYD" | "XAF" | "CLF" | "CLP" | "CNY" | "COP" | "KMF" | "CDF" | "CRC" | "HRK" | "CUP" | "CYP" | "CZK" | "DKK" | "DJF" | "DOP" | "TPE" | "ECV" | "ECS" | "EGP" | "SVC" | "ERN" | "EEK" | "ETB" | "FKP" | "FJD" | "GMD" | "GEL" | "GHC" | "GIP" | "GTQ" | "GNF" | "GWP" | "GYD" | "HTG" | "HNL" | "HKD" | "HUF" | "ISK" | "IDR" | "IRR" | "IQD" | "ILS" | "JMD" | "JPY" | "JOD" | "KZT" | "KES" | "AUD" | "KPW" | "KRW" | "KWD" | "KGS" | "LAK" | "LVL" | "LBP" | "LSL" | "LRD" | "LYD" | "CHF" | "LTL" | "MOP" | "MKD" | "MGF" | "MWK" | "MYR" | "MVR" | "MTL" | "EUR" | "MRO" | "MUR" | "MXN" | "MXV" | "MDL" | "MNT" | "XCD" | "MZM" | "MMK" | "ZAR" | "NAD" | "NPR" | "ANG" | "XPF" | "NZD" | "NIO" | "NGN" | "NOK" | "OMR" | "PKR" | "PAB" | "PGK" | "PYG" | "PEN" | "PHP" | "PLN" | "USD" | "QAR" | "ROL" | "RUB" | "RUR" | "RWF" | "SHP" | "WST" | "STD" | "SAR" | "SCR" | "SLL" | "SGD" | "SKK" | "SIT" | "SBD" | "SOS" | "LKR" | "SDD" | "SRG" | "SZL" | "SEK" | "SYP" | "TWD" | "TJS" | "TZS" | "THB" | "XOF" | "TOP" | "TTD" | "TND" | "TRL" | "TMM" | "UGX" | "UAH" | "AED" | "GBP" | "USS" | "USN" | "UYU" | "UZS" | "VUV" | "VEB" | "VND" | "MAD" | "YER" | "YUM" | "ZMK" | "ZWD" | "ATS" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ConvertedTransactionPrice" type="ns:AmountType"/>

xs:dateTime, predefined, simple content
This timestamp indicates date/time when the sales transaction occurred. A sales transaction is created when there is a commitment to buy, or when the buyer purchases the item through a 'Buy it Now' option. For auction listings, a sales transaction is created when that listing ends with a high bidder whose bid meets or exceeds the Reserve Price (if set). For a fixed-price listing or a 'Buy It Now' auction listing, a sales transaction is created once the buyer clicks the Buy button.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:dateTime }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CreatedDate" type="xs:dateTime"/>

ns:DepositTypeCodeType, simple content
This value indicates whether or not the seller requires a deposit for the purchase of a motor vehicle. This field is only applicable to motor vehicle listings that require an initial deposit. For these listings, its value is returned as 'OtherMethod'. For any other type of listing, its value is returned as 'None'.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
(out) No deposit needed.
(out) Pay the deposit using PayPal, and then use any of the other specified payment methods to pay the balance.
(out) No longer used.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DepositType" type="ns:DepositTypeCodeType"/>

This container is only returned by GetOrders and other order management calls if the buyer purchased a digital gift card for themselves, or is giving the digital gift card to someone else as a gift (in this case, the Gift boolean field will be returned with a value of true). The DigitalDeliverySelected container consists of information related to the digital gift card order line item, including the delivery method, delivery status, and recipient of the gift card (either the buyer, or another individual that is receiving the gift card as a gift from the buyer.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DigitalDeliverySelected" type="ns:DigitalDeliverySelectedType"/>

ns:AmountType, simple content
This field is deprecated.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("AFA" | "ALL" | "DZD" | "ADP" | "AOA" | "ARS" | "AMD" | "AWG" | "AZM" | "BSD" | "BHD" | "BDT" | "BBD" | "BYR" | "BZD" | "BMD" | "BTN" | "INR" | "BOV" | "BOB" | "BAM" | "BWP" | "BRL" | "BND" | "BGL" | "BGN" | "BIF" | "KHR" | "CAD" | "CVE" | "KYD" | "XAF" | "CLF" | "CLP" | "CNY" | "COP" | "KMF" | "CDF" | "CRC" | "HRK" | "CUP" | "CYP" | "CZK" | "DKK" | "DJF" | "DOP" | "TPE" | "ECV" | "ECS" | "EGP" | "SVC" | "ERN" | "EEK" | "ETB" | "FKP" | "FJD" | "GMD" | "GEL" | "GHC" | "GIP" | "GTQ" | "GNF" | "GWP" | "GYD" | "HTG" | "HNL" | "HKD" | "HUF" | "ISK" | "IDR" | "IRR" | "IQD" | "ILS" | "JMD" | "JPY" | "JOD" | "KZT" | "KES" | "AUD" | "KPW" | "KRW" | "KWD" | "KGS" | "LAK" | "LVL" | "LBP" | "LSL" | "LRD" | "LYD" | "CHF" | "LTL" | "MOP" | "MKD" | "MGF" | "MWK" | "MYR" | "MVR" | "MTL" | "EUR" | "MRO" | "MUR" | "MXN" | "MXV" | "MDL" | "MNT" | "XCD" | "MZM" | "MMK" | "ZAR" | "NAD" | "NPR" | "ANG" | "XPF" | "NZD" | "NIO" | "NGN" | "NOK" | "OMR" | "PKR" | "PAB" | "PGK" | "PYG" | "PEN" | "PHP" | "PLN" | "USD" | "QAR" | "ROL" | "RUB" | "RUR" | "RWF" | "SHP" | "WST" | "STD" | "SAR" | "SCR" | "SLL" | "SGD" | "SKK" | "SIT" | "SBD" | "SOS" | "LKR" | "SDD" | "SRG" | "SZL" | "SEK" | "SYP" | "TWD" | "TJS" | "TZS" | "THB" | "XOF" | "TOP" | "TTD" | "TND" | "TRL" | "TMM" | "UGX" | "UAH" | "AED" | "GBP" | "USS" | "USN" | "UYU" | "UZS" | "VUV" | "VEB" | "VND" | "MAD" | "YER" | "YUM" | "ZMK" | "ZWD" | "ATS" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DutchAuctionBid" type="ns:AmountType"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This boolean field is returned as true if the line item is subject to a tax (US sales tax or Australian Goods and Services tax) that eBay will collect and remit to the proper taxing authority on the buyer's behalf. This field is also returned if false (not subject to eBay Collect and Remit). An eBayCollectAndRemitTaxes container is returned if the order line item is subject to such a tax, and the type and amount of this tax is displayed in the eBayCollectAndRemitTaxes.TaxDetails container.

Australian 'Goods and Services' tax (GST) is automatically charged to buyers outside of Australia when they purchase items on the eBay Australia site. Sellers on the Australia site do not have to take any extra steps to enable the collection of GST, as this tax is collected by eBay and remitted to the Australian government. For more information about Australian GST, see the Taxes and import charges help topic.

As of April 1, 2020, buyers in 40 US states will automatically be charged sales tax for eBay purchases, and are subject to eBay Collect and Remit Tax. eBay will collect and remit this sales tax to the proper taxing authority on the buyer's behalf. Sellers do not have to take any extra steps to enable the collection of this sales tax. If the seller is employing a Sales Tax Table for the listing, and a sales tax rate is established for a state that is subject to 'eBay Collect and Remit', this sales tax rate will be ignored by eBay. For a list of the US states that are or will become subject to 'eBay Collect and Remit Tax' (and effective dates), see the eBay sales tax collection help topic.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayCollectAndRemitTax" type="xs:boolean"/>

ns:TaxesType, complex content
This container is returned if the order line item is subject to a tax (US sales tax or Australian Goods and Services tax) that eBay will collect and remit to the proper taxing authority on the buyer's behalf. The type of tax will be shown in the TaxDetails.Imposition and TaxDetails.TaxDescription fields, and the amount of this tax will be displayed in the TaxDetails.TaxAmount field.

Australian 'Goods and Services' tax (GST) is automatically charged to buyers outside of Australia when they purchase items on the eBay Australia site. Sellers on the Australia site do not have to take any extra steps to enable the collection of GST, as this tax is collected by eBay and remitted to the Australian government. For more information about Australian GST, see the Taxes and import charges help topic.

As of April 1, 2020, buyers in 41 US states will automatically be charged sales tax for eBay purchases. eBay will collect and remit this sales tax to the proper taxing authority on the buyer's behalf. Sellers do not have to take any extra steps to enable the collection of this sales tax. If the seller is employing a Sales Tax Table for the listing, and a sales tax rate is established for a state that is subject to 'eBay Collect and Remit', this sales tax rate will be ignored by eBay. For a list of the US states that will become subject to 'eBay Collect and Remit' (and effective dates), see the eBay sales tax collection help topic.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayCollectAndRemitTaxes" type="ns:TaxesType"/>

xs:string, predefined, simple content
The generated eBay payment ID used by the buyer when he/she chooses electronic transfer as payment method for paying the seller. This field is only applicable to the eBay Germany site (Site ID 77).
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:string }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayPaymentID" type="xs:string"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
If true, the buyer of the order line item has a eBay Plus program subscription, and is eligible to receive the benefits of this program, such as fast, free shipping and free returns. Top-Rated eBay sellers must opt in to eBay Plus to be able offer the program on qualifying listings. Sellers must commit to next-day delivery of those items.

Note: Currently, eBay Plus is available only to buyers in Germany and Australia.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayPlusTransaction" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:string, predefined, simple content
A unique identifier for an eBay order in the new eBay REST API model. ExtendedOrderID values will be used to identify orders in REST-based APIs, including the Post-Order API and the Fulfillment API.

For GetOrders, GetOrderTransactions, and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the correct Order ID is returned to the buyer or seller, but a dummy Order ID value of 1000000000000 will be returned to all third parties.

Note: As of June 2019, eBay has changed the format of order identifier values, and this new format is relevant to both legacy and REST API-based order ID fields. The new format is a non-parsable string, globally unique across all eBay marketplaces, and consistent for both single line item and multiple line item orders. Unlike in the past, instead of just being known and exposed to the seller, these unique order identifiers will also be known and used/referenced by the buyer and eBay customer support.

For developers and sellers who are already integrated with the Trading API's order management calls, this change shouldn't impact your integration unless you parse the existing order identifiers (e.g., OrderID or OrderLineItemID), or otherwise infer meaning from the format (e.g., differentiating between a single line item order versus a multiple line item order). Because we realize that some integrations may have logic that is dependent upon the old identifier format, eBay is rolling out this Trading API change with version control to support a transition period of approximately 9 months before applications must switch to the new format completely.

During the transition period, for developers/sellers using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1113, they can use the X-EBAY-API-COMPATIBILITY-LEVEL HTTP header in API calls to control whether the new or old OrderID format is returned in call response payloads. To get the new OrderID format, the value of the X-EBAY-API-COMPATIBILITY-LEVEL HTTP header must be set to 1113. During the transition period and even after, the new and old OrderID formats will still be supported/accepted in all Trading API call request payloads. After the transition period (which will be announced), only the new OrderID format will be returned in all Trading API call response payloads, regardless of the Trading WSDL version used or specified compatibility level.

Note: For sellers integrated with the new order ID format, please note that the identifier for an order (for OrderID and ExtendedOrderID) will change as it goes from unpaid to paid status. Sellers can check to see if an order has been paid by looking for a value of 'Complete' in the CheckoutStatus.Status field in the response of GetOrders or GetOrderTransactions call, or in the Status.CompleteStatus field in the response of GetItemTransactions or GetSellerTransactions call. Sellers should not fulfill orders until buyer has made payment.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:string }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ExtendedOrderID" type="xs:string"/>

Container consisting of payment details for an eBay sales transaction, including an identifier for the monetary transaction and a field to express any fees or credits applied to the monetary transaction. This field is only returned after payment for the order has occurred.

For GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, the real transaction identifier is only returned to the buyer or seller, and a string value of Unavailable will be returned to all third parties.

Note: The MonetaryDetails container also shows payment information for the order. In the future, it is possible that the ExternalTransaction container will be deprecated, so you are encouraged to start using MonetaryDetails as soon as possible.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="ExternalTransaction" type="ns:ExternalTransactionType"/>

ns:FeedbackInfoType, complex content
This container consists of Feedback left by the caller for their order partner. This container is only returned if the order is complete and feedback on the order line item has been left by the caller.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="FeedbackLeft" type="ns:FeedbackInfoType"/>

ns:FeedbackInfoType, complex content
This container consists of Feedback received by the caller from their order partner. This container is only returned if the order is complete and feedback on the order line item has been received by the caller.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="FeedbackReceived" type="ns:FeedbackInfoType"/>

ns:AmountType, simple content
A Final Value Fee is calculated and charged to a seller's account immediately upon creation of an order line item. Note that this fee is created before the buyer makes a payment. As long as the IncludeFinalValueFee field is included in the call request and set to 'true', the Final Value Fee for each order line item is returned, regardless of the checkout status.

If a seller requests a Final Value Fee credit, the value of Transaction.FinalValueFee will not change if a credit is issued. The credit only appears in the seller's account data.

Note: The calculation of the Final Value Fee is changing for managed payments sellers, so the value returned in this field should only be considered as an estimated value. The getTransactions method of the Finances API can be used to get accurate Final Value Fee values.

See the Selling fees for managed payments sellers help page for more information about how Final Value Fees are changing for managed payments sellers.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("AFA" | "ALL" | "DZD" | "ADP" | "AOA" | "ARS" | "AMD" | "AWG" | "AZM" | "BSD" | "BHD" | "BDT" | "BBD" | "BYR" | "BZD" | "BMD" | "BTN" | "INR" | "BOV" | "BOB" | "BAM" | "BWP" | "BRL" | "BND" | "BGL" | "BGN" | "BIF" | "KHR" | "CAD" | "CVE" | "KYD" | "XAF" | "CLF" | "CLP" | "CNY" | "COP" | "KMF" | "CDF" | "CRC" | "HRK" | "CUP" | "CYP" | "CZK" | "DKK" | "DJF" | "DOP" | "TPE" | "ECV" | "ECS" | "EGP" | "SVC" | "ERN" | "EEK" | "ETB" | "FKP" | "FJD" | "GMD" | "GEL" | "GHC" | "GIP" | "GTQ" | "GNF" | "GWP" | "GYD" | "HTG" | "HNL" | "HKD" | "HUF" | "ISK" | "IDR" | "IRR" | "IQD" | "ILS" | "JMD" | "JPY" | "JOD" | "KZT" | "KES" | "AUD" | "KPW" | "KRW" | "KWD" | "KGS" | "LAK" | "LVL" | "LBP" | "LSL" | "LRD" | "LYD" | "CHF" | "LTL" | "MOP" | "MKD" | "MGF" | "MWK" | "MYR" | "MVR" | "MTL" | "EUR" | "MRO" | "MUR" | "MXN" | "MXV" | "MDL" | "MNT" | "XCD" | "MZM" | "MMK" | "ZAR" | "NAD" | "NPR" | "ANG" | "XPF" | "NZD" | "NIO" | "NGN" | "NOK" | "OMR" | "PKR" | "PAB" | "PGK" | "PYG" | "PEN" | "PHP" | "PLN" | "USD" | "QAR" | "ROL" | "RUB" | "RUR" | "RWF" | "SHP" | "WST" | "STD" | "SAR" | "SCR" | "SLL" | "SGD" | "SKK" | "SIT" | "SBD" | "SOS" | "LKR" | "SDD" | "SRG" | "SZL" | "SEK" | "SYP" | "TWD" | "TJS" | "TZS" | "THB" | "XOF" | "TOP" | "TTD" | "TND" | "TRL" | "TMM" | "UGX" | "UAH" | "AED" | "GBP" | "USS" | "USN" | "UYU" | "UZS" | "VUV" | "VEB" | "VND" | "MAD" | "YER" | "YUM" | "ZMK" | "ZWD" | "ATS" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="FinalValueFee" type="ns:AmountType"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This boolean field is returned as true if the seller is giving a digital gift card to another individual as a gift. This field is only applicable for digital gift card order line items.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Gift" type="xs:boolean"/>

ns:GiftSummaryType, complex content
This container is returned in GetOrders and other order management calls if a buyer has purchased a digital gift card but has sent it to another individual as a gift, and has left a message for the recipient. The GiftSummary container consists of the message that the buyer wrote for the recipient of the digital gift card. A digital gift card line item is indicated if the DigitalDeliverySelected container is returned in the response, and if the digital gift card is sent to another individual as a gift, the Gift boolean field will be returned with a value of true.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="GiftSummary" type="ns:GiftSummaryType"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field is returned as true if the order line item is qualified for eBay Guaranteed Delivery, or false if it is not eligible. At this time, eBay Guaranteed Delivery is only available to a select number of sellers on the US and Australia sites, but this feature will be enabled on more eBay sites in 2019.

Only domestic shipments are available for eBay Guaranteed Delivery. For an order line item to be qualified for eBay Guaranteed Delivery, the following must be true:
  • The eBay Guaranteed Delivery feature must be available to the seller
  • That seller must be opted in to one of the two eBay Guaranteed Delivery programs
  • If the seller is opted into the "Door-to-Door" program, a domestic shipping rate table must be applied to the listing, and that shipping rate table must include the buyer's location with a transit time (handling + shipping time) of 3 business days or less;
  • If the seller is opted into the "Handling Time" program, the handling time plus the max shipping time must equal 3 business days or less, and that shipping rate table must include the buyer's location with a transit time (handling + shipping time) of 3 business days or less
  • The listing must have a return policy
With eBay Guaranteed Delivery, the sellers are committed to getting the order line item to the buyer within 3 business days. The seller's defined "Order Cutoff" time will control what is considered 3 business days. If a buyer wanted to get an order by Friday, that buyer would have to purchase that item on Monday before the seller's "Order Cutoff" time. The seller's "Order Cutoff" time is generally set in their timezone, so the buyer should take this into account before the purchase.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="GuaranteedDelivery" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Note: This field is for future use, as the eBay Guaranteed Shipping feature has been put on hold. eBay Guaranteed Shipping should not be confused with eBay Guaranteed Delivery, which is a completely different feature. This field is returned as true if the seller chose to use eBay's Guaranteed Shipping feature at listing time. With eBay's Guaranteed Shipping, the seller will never pay more for shipping than what is charged to the buyer. eBay recommends the shipping service option for the seller to use based on the dimensions and weight of the shipping package.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="GuaranteedShipping" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This flag indicates whether or not the order line item is an intangible good, such as an MP3 track or a mobile phone ringtone. Intangible items are not eligible for PayPal's Seller Protection program, so the seller will not be able to open an Unpaid Item case against the buyer.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="IntangibleItem" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:string, predefined, simple content
The unique identifier of the inventory reservation.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:string }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="InventoryReservationID" type="xs:string"/>

xs:dateTime, predefined, simple content
This field indicates the date/time that an order invoice was sent from the seller to the buyer. This field is only returned if an invoice (containing the order line item) was sent to the buyer.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:dateTime }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="InvoiceSentTime" type="xs:dateTime"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
If IsMultilegShipping is true, the order line item will not be shipped directly to the buyer. Instead, the item may be shipped to eBay's Global Shipping Program (GSP) partner who will handle the international leg of shipment, or the item may be shipped to eBay's Authenticity Guarantee service partner if the item is subject to the Authenticity Guarantee service program. In both cases, the partner's shipping address can be found in the MultiLegShippingDetails.SellerShipmentToLogisticsProvider.ShipToAddress container.

If an order line item is subject to the Authenticity Guarantee service, the Transaction.Program container will be returned.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="IsMultiLegShipping" type="xs:boolean"/>

ns:ItemType, complex content
This container consists of relevant details about the listing associated with the sales transaction. Which listing fields are returned under this container will depend on the listing, the eBay marketplace, and the API call.

In an AddOrder call, only the unique identifier of the listing (ItemID) is needed to help identify the sales transaction to combine into a 'Combined Invoice' order.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
ns:ApplicationData?, ns:AttributeSetArray?, ns:AttributeArray?, ns:LookupAttributeArray?, ns:AutoPay?, ns:BiddingDetails?, ns:BuyerProtection?, ns:BuyItNowPrice?, ns:CategoryMappingAllowed?, ns:Charity?, ns:Country?, ns:CrossPromotion?, ns:Currency?, ns:Description?, ns:DescriptionReviseMode?, ns:Distance?, ns:HitCounter?, ns:ItemID?, ns:ListingDetails?, ns:ListingDuration?, ns:ListingEnhancement*, ns:ListingType?, ns:Location?, ns:LotSize?, ns:PartnerCode?, ns:PartnerName?, ns:PaymentDetails?, ns:PaymentMethods*, ns:PayPalEmailAddress?, ns:PrimaryCategory?, ns:PrivateListing?, ns:ProductListingDetails?, ns:Quantity?, ns:PrivateNotes?, ns:RegionID?, ns:RelistLink?, ns:ReservePrice?, ns:ReviseStatus?, ns:ScheduleTime?, ns:SecondaryCategory?, ns:FreeAddedCategory?, ns:Seller?, ns:SellingStatus?, ns:ShippingDetails?, ns:ShipToLocations*, ns:Site?, ns:StartPrice?, ns:Storefront?, ns:SubTitle?, ns:TimeLeft?, ns:Title?, ns:UUID?, ns:VATDetails?, ns:SellerVacationNote?, ns:WatchCount?, ns:HitCount?, ns:DisableBuyerRequirements?, ns:BestOfferDetails?, ns:LocationDefaulted?, ns:UseTaxTable?, ns:GetItFast?, ns:BuyerResponsibleForShipping?, ns:LimitedWarrantyEligible?, ns:eBayNotes?, ns:QuestionCount?, ns:Relisted?, ns:QuantityAvailable?, ns:SKU?, ns:SearchDetails?, ns:PostalCode?, ns:PictureDetails?, ns:VideoDetails?, ns:DispatchTimeMax?, ns:BestOfferEnabled?, ns:LocalListing?, ns:SellerContactDetails?, ns:TotalQuestionCount?, ns:ProxyItem?, ns:ExtendedSellerContactDetails?, ns:LeadCount?, ns:NewLeadCount?, ns:ItemSpecifics?, ns:GroupCategoryID?, ns:ClassifiedAdPayPerLeadFee?, ns:BidGroupItem?, ns:ApplyBuyerProtection?, ns:ListingSubtype2?, ns:MechanicalCheckAccepted?, ns:UpdateSellerInfo?, ns:UpdateReturnPolicy?, ns:ItemPolicyViolation?, ns:CrossBorderTrade*, ns:BusinessSellerDetails?, ns:BuyerGuaranteePrice?, ns:BuyerRequirementDetails?, ns:ReturnPolicy?, ns:PaymentAllowedSite*, ns:InventoryTrackingMethod?, ns:IntegratedMerchantCreditCardEnabled?, ns:Variations?, ns:ItemCompatibilityList?, ns:ItemCompatibilityCount?, ns:ConditionID?, ns:ConditionDescription?, ns:ConditionDisplayName?, ns:TaxCategory?, ns:QuantityAvailableHint?, ns:QuantityThreshold?, ns:DiscountPriceInfo?, ns:SellerProvidedTitle?, ns:VIN?, ns:VINLink?, ns:VRM?, ns:VRMLink?, ns:QuantityInfo?, ns:SellerProfiles?, ns:ShippingServiceCostOverrideList?, ns:ShippingOverride?, ns:ShippingPackageDetails?, ns:TopRatedListing?, ns:QuantityRestrictionPerBuyer?, ns:FloorPrice?, ns:CeilingPrice?, ns:IsIntermediatedShippingEligible?, ns:UnitInfo?, ns:RelistParentID?, ns:ConditionDefinition?, ns:HideFromSearch?, ns:ReasonHideFromSearch?, ns:PickupInStoreDetails?, ns:SiteId?, ns:IgnoreQuantity?, ns:AvailableForPickupDropOff?, ns:EligibleForPickupDropOff?, ns:LiveAuction?, ns:DigitalGoodInfo?, ns:eBayPlus?, ns:eBayPlusEligible?, ns:eMailDeliveryAvailable?, ns:IsSecureDescription?, {any}*
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Item" type="ns:ItemType"/>

This field is no longer applicable
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)

xs:token, predefined, simple content
This field will be returned at the order line item level only if the buyer purchased a digital gift card, which is delivered by email, or if the buyer purchased an item that is enabled with the 'Click and Collect' feature.

Currently, LogisticsPlanType has two applicable values: PickUpDropOff, which indicates that the buyer selected the 'Click and Collect' option. With Click and Collect, buyers are able to purchase from thousands of sellers on the eBay UK and Australia sites, and then pick up their order from the nearest 'eBay Collection Point', including over 750 Argos stores in the UK. The Click and Collect feature is only available on the eBay UK and Australia sites; or, DigitalDelivery, which indicates that the order line item is a digital gift card that will be delivered to the buyer or recipient of the gift card by email.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:token }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LogisticsPlanType" type="xs:token"/>

Contains information about each monetary transaction that occurs for the order line item, including order payment, any refund, a credit, etc. Both the payer and payee are shown in this container.

Note: MonetaryDetails can already be used instead of the older ExternalTransaction container, and the ExternalTransaction container may eventually get deprecated. Due to this possibility, you are encouraged to start using MonetaryDetails as soon as it is convenient.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MonetaryDetails" type="ns:PaymentsInformationType"/>

This container consists of details about the domestic leg of a Global Shipping Program (GSP) shipment or shipment to eBay's Authenticity Guarantee service partner. With GSP, the shipment has a domestic leg and an international leg. In the domestic leg, the seller ships the item to eBay's shipping partner. In the Authenticity Guarantee service, the seller ships the item to the authentication partner, and if the item passes an authentication inspection, the authentication partner ships it directly to the buyer.

This container is only returned if the order has one or more order line items that require shipping through GSP or shipment to an Authenticity Guarantee service partner. It is not returned if IsMultilegShipping is false.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MultiLegShippingDetails" type="ns:MultiLegShippingDetailsType"/>

xs:string, predefined, simple content
A unique identifier for an eBay order line item. This identifier is created as soon as there is a commitment to buy from the seller, or the buyer actually purchases the item using a 'Buy it Now' option.

For GetOrders, GetOrderTransactions, and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer or seller, and no longer returned at all to third parties. If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, order line item ID is only returned to the buyer or seller, and a dummy value of 10000000000000 will be returned to all third parties.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:string }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="OrderLineItemID" type="xs:string"/>

xs:dateTime, predefined, simple content
Indicates the time when the buyer paid for the order and/or order was marked as 'Paid' by the seller. This field is returned once payment has been made by the buyer.

This value will only be visible to the user on either side of the order. An order can be marked as 'Paid' in the following ways:
  • Automatically when a payment is made through eBay's system
  • Seller marks the item as paid in My eBay or through Selling Manager Pro
  • Programmatically by the seller through the ReviseCheckoutStatus or CompleteSale calls.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:dateTime }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PaidTime" type="xs:dateTime"/>

xs:string, predefined, simple content
Unique identifier for a PaisaPay transaction. Only applicable if PaisaPay was the payment method used.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:string }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PaisaPayID" type="xs:string"/>

ns:PaymentHoldDetailType, complex content
This container consists of information related to the payment hold on the order line item, including the reason why the buyer's payment for the order line item is being held, the expected release date of the funds into the seller's account, and possible action(s) the seller can take to expedite the payout of funds into their account. This container is only returned if a payment hold has been placed on the order line item.

See PaymentHoldReasonCodeType for some details on why/when a seller's funds may be held, or visit the Pending payments help topic for more information on eBay's payment hold policies.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PaymentHoldDetails" type="ns:PaymentHoldDetailType"/>

xs:string, predefined, simple content
The seller's PayPal email address. This value is only revealed if it is the seller making the call.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:string }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PayPalEmailAddress" type="xs:string"/>

ns:PickupDetailsType, complex content
Container consisting of an array of PickupOptions containers. Each PickupOptions container consists of the pickup method and its priority. The priority of each pickup method controls the order (relative to other pickup methods) in which the corresponding pickup method will appear in the View Item and Checkout page.

This container is always returned prior to order payment if the seller created/revised/relisted the item with the EligibleForPickupInStore and/or EligibleForPickupDropOff flag in the call request set to 'true'. If and when the In-Store pickup method (US only) or 'Click and Collect' pickup method (UK and Australia only) is selected by the buyer and payment for the order is made, this container will no longer be returned in the response, and will essentially be replaced by the PickupMethodSelected container.

Note: A seller must be eligible for the In-Store Pickup feature or Click and Collect feature to list an item that is eligible for In-Store Pickup or Click and Collect. At this time, the In-Store Pickup and Click and Collect features are generally only available to large retail merchants, and can only be applied to multiple-quantity, fixed-price listings.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PickupDetails" type="ns:PickupDetailsType"/>

This container consists of details related to the selected In-Store pickup method, including the pickup method, the merchant's store ID, the status of the In-Store pickup, and the pickup reference code (if provided by merchant).
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PickupMethodSelected" type="ns:PickupMethodSelectedType"/>

This value indicates the site on which the sales transaction originated.

Note: Currently, the only value that should be returned in this field is eBay, as the marketplace no longer exists.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
This value indicates the purchase occurred on an eBay marketplace site.
Note: eBay Express no longer exists. The order line item was created on the eBay Express site.
Note: listings will no longer be supported in APIs. The order line item was created on site.
Note: listings are no longer supported in APIs. The order line item was created on the site.
Note: World Of Good is no longer associated with eBay. The order line item was created on the WorldOfGood site.
Reserved for future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Platform" type="ns:TransactionPlatformCodeType"/>

ns:TransactionProgramType, complex content
This container gives the status of an order line item going through the Authenticity Guarantee service process. In the Authenticity Guarantee service program, a third-party authenticator must verify the authenticity of the item before it can be sent to the buyer.

This container is only returned for order line items subject to the Authenticity Guarantee service process, and if it is returned, the seller must make sure to send the item to the third-party authenticator's address (shown in the MultiLegShippingDetails.SellerShipmentToLogisticsProvider.ShipToAddress field), and not to the buyer's shipping address. If the item is successfully authenticated, the authenticator will ship the item to the buyer.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Program" type="ns:TransactionProgramType"/>

xs:int, predefined, simple content
This value indicates the quantity of the line item purchased at the same time by the same buyer from one listing. For auction listings, this value is always '1'. For fixed-price, non-variation listings, this value can be greater than 1.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:int }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="QuantityPurchased" type="xs:int"/>

ns:AmountType, simple content
This field is deprecated.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("AFA" | "ALL" | "DZD" | "ADP" | "AOA" | "ARS" | "AMD" | "AWG" | "AZM" | "BSD" | "BHD" | "BDT" | "BBD" | "BYR" | "BZD" | "BMD" | "BTN" | "INR" | "BOV" | "BOB" | "BAM" | "BWP" | "BRL" | "BND" | "BGL" | "BGN" | "BIF" | "KHR" | "CAD" | "CVE" | "KYD" | "XAF" | "CLF" | "CLP" | "CNY" | "COP" | "KMF" | "CDF" | "CRC" | "HRK" | "CUP" | "CYP" | "CZK" | "DKK" | "DJF" | "DOP" | "TPE" | "ECV" | "ECS" | "EGP" | "SVC" | "ERN" | "EEK" | "ETB" | "FKP" | "FJD" | "GMD" | "GEL" | "GHC" | "GIP" | "GTQ" | "GNF" | "GWP" | "GYD" | "HTG" | "HNL" | "HKD" | "HUF" | "ISK" | "IDR" | "IRR" | "IQD" | "ILS" | "JMD" | "JPY" | "JOD" | "KZT" | "KES" | "AUD" | "KPW" | "KRW" | "KWD" | "KGS" | "LAK" | "LVL" | "LBP" | "LSL" | "LRD" | "LYD" | "CHF" | "LTL" | "MOP" | "MKD" | "MGF" | "MWK" | "MYR" | "MVR" | "MTL" | "EUR" | "MRO" | "MUR" | "MXN" | "MXV" | "MDL" | "MNT" | "XCD" | "MZM" | "MMK" | "ZAR" | "NAD" | "NPR" | "ANG" | "XPF" | "NZD" | "NIO" | "NGN" | "NOK" | "OMR" | "PKR" | "PAB" | "PGK" | "PYG" | "PEN" | "PHP" | "PLN" | "USD" | "QAR" | "ROL" | "RUB" | "RUR" | "RWF" | "SHP" | "WST" | "STD" | "SAR" | "SCR" | "SLL" | "SGD" | "SKK" | "SIT" | "SBD" | "SOS" | "LKR" | "SDD" | "SRG" | "SZL" | "SEK" | "SYP" | "TWD" | "TJS" | "TZS" | "THB" | "XOF" | "TOP" | "TTD" | "TND" | "TRL" | "TMM" | "UGX" | "UAH" | "AED" | "GBP" | "USS" | "USN" | "UYU" | "UZS" | "VUV" | "VEB" | "VND" | "MAD" | "YER" | "YUM" | "ZMK" | "ZWD" | "ATS" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="RefundAmount" type="ns:AmountType"/>

ns:RefundArrayType, complex content
Note: This container is only applicable for order refunds, and since the site has been shut down, this field is no longer applicable.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="RefundArray" type="ns:RefundArrayType"/>

xs:string, predefined, simple content
This field is deprecated.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:string }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="RefundStatus" type="xs:string"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field is no longer applicable as listings are no longer created or managed with eBay APIs.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SellerContactBuyerByEmail" type="xs:boolean"/>

ns:SellerDiscountsType, complex content
A container consisting of name and ID of the seller's discount campaign, as well as the discount amount that is being applied to the order line item. This container is only returned if the order line item is eligible for seller discounts.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SellerDiscounts" type="ns:SellerDiscountsType"/>

ns:PaidStatusCodeType, simple content
Specifies the paid status of the order.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SellerPaidStatus" type="ns:PaidStatusCodeType"/>

This container consists of Selling Manager product details and is only returned if the item was listed through Selling Manager Pro.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SellingManagerProductDetails" type="ns:SellingManagerProductDetailsType"/>

xs:dateTime, predefined, simple content
Indicates the time when the line item was marked as 'Shipped'. This value will only be visible to the user on either side of the order. An order can be marked as 'Shipped' by purchasing an eBay shipping label, providing shipment tracking in My eBay or through Selling Manager Pro, or programmatically by the seller through the ReviseCheckoutStatus or CompleteSale call.

Note: This field does not appear in Merchant Data API's OrderReport responses, because once shipment tracking information is provided to the buyer (or marked as shipped), the order/order line item is considered acknowledged, and acknowledged orders do not show up in OrderReport responses.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:dateTime }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ShippedTime" type="xs:dateTime"/>

ns:AmountType, simple content
Note: This field is no longer applicable/used. It was previously used for eBay Now and 'eBay On Demand Delivery' orders - two features that have been deprecated.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("AFA" | "ALL" | "DZD" | "ADP" | "AOA" | "ARS" | "AMD" | "AWG" | "AZM" | "BSD" | "BHD" | "BDT" | "BBD" | "BYR" | "BZD" | "BMD" | "BTN" | "INR" | "BOV" | "BOB" | "BAM" | "BWP" | "BRL" | "BND" | "BGL" | "BGN" | "BIF" | "KHR" | "CAD" | "CVE" | "KYD" | "XAF" | "CLF" | "CLP" | "CNY" | "COP" | "KMF" | "CDF" | "CRC" | "HRK" | "CUP" | "CYP" | "CZK" | "DKK" | "DJF" | "DOP" | "TPE" | "ECV" | "ECS" | "EGP" | "SVC" | "ERN" | "EEK" | "ETB" | "FKP" | "FJD" | "GMD" | "GEL" | "GHC" | "GIP" | "GTQ" | "GNF" | "GWP" | "GYD" | "HTG" | "HNL" | "HKD" | "HUF" | "ISK" | "IDR" | "IRR" | "IQD" | "ILS" | "JMD" | "JPY" | "JOD" | "KZT" | "KES" | "AUD" | "KPW" | "KRW" | "KWD" | "KGS" | "LAK" | "LVL" | "LBP" | "LSL" | "LRD" | "LYD" | "CHF" | "LTL" | "MOP" | "MKD" | "MGF" | "MWK" | "MYR" | "MVR" | "MTL" | "EUR" | "MRO" | "MUR" | "MXN" | "MXV" | "MDL" | "MNT" | "XCD" | "MZM" | "MMK" | "ZAR" | "NAD" | "NPR" | "ANG" | "XPF" | "NZD" | "NIO" | "NGN" | "NOK" | "OMR" | "PKR" | "PAB" | "PGK" | "PYG" | "PEN" | "PHP" | "PLN" | "USD" | "QAR" | "ROL" | "RUB" | "RUR" | "RWF" | "SHP" | "WST" | "STD" | "SAR" | "SCR" | "SLL" | "SGD" | "SKK" | "SIT" | "SBD" | "SOS" | "LKR" | "SDD" | "SRG" | "SZL" | "SEK" | "SYP" | "TWD" | "TJS" | "TZS" | "THB" | "XOF" | "TOP" | "TTD" | "TND" | "TRL" | "TMM" | "UGX" | "UAH" | "AED" | "GBP" | "USS" | "USN" | "UYU" | "UZS" | "VUV" | "VEB" | "VND" | "MAD" | "YER" | "YUM" | "ZMK" | "ZWD" | "ATS" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ShippingConvenienceCharge" type="ns:AmountType"/>

ns:ShippingDetailsType, complex content
Container consisting of shipping-related details for a sales transaction. Shipping details may include shipping rates, package dimensions, handling costs, excluded shipping locations (if specified), shipping service options, sales tax information (if applicable), and shipment tracking details (if shipped).

Note: For GetOrders and GetOrderTransactions, a ShippingDetails container is returned at the order at line item level.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ShippingDetails" type="ns:ShippingDetailsType"/>

The shipping service actually selected by the buyer from the shipping services offered by the seller. The buyer typically selects the shipping service at checkout/payment time.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ShippingServiceSelected" type="ns:ShippingServiceOptionsType"/>

ns:TransactionStatusType, complex content
Container consisting of checkout/payment status details for an order line item. Several of these fields change values during the checkout flow.

For GetOrders, only a limited number of applicable fields are returned at the order line item level. The fields indicating the status of the order are actually found in the OrderArray.Order.CheckoutStatus container.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Status" type="ns:TransactionStatusType"/>

ns:TaxesType, complex content
A container consisting of detailed tax information (sales tax, Goods and Services tax, or VAT) for a sales transaction. The Taxes container is returned if the order line item is subject to any taxes on the buyer's purchase. The information in this container supercedes/overrides any sales tax information in the ShippingDetails.SalesTax container.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Taxes" type="ns:TaxesType"/>

ns:AmountType, simple content
This field indicates the total price for a sales transaction. Before payment, this dollar value will be the price before a shipping service option is selected. Once a shipping service option is selected, the price in this field will be updated to reflect the shipping and handling costs associated with that shipping service option.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("AFA" | "ALL" | "DZD" | "ADP" | "AOA" | "ARS" | "AMD" | "AWG" | "AZM" | "BSD" | "BHD" | "BDT" | "BBD" | "BYR" | "BZD" | "BMD" | "BTN" | "INR" | "BOV" | "BOB" | "BAM" | "BWP" | "BRL" | "BND" | "BGL" | "BGN" | "BIF" | "KHR" | "CAD" | "CVE" | "KYD" | "XAF" | "CLF" | "CLP" | "CNY" | "COP" | "KMF" | "CDF" | "CRC" | "HRK" | "CUP" | "CYP" | "CZK" | "DKK" | "DJF" | "DOP" | "TPE" | "ECV" | "ECS" | "EGP" | "SVC" | "ERN" | "EEK" | "ETB" | "FKP" | "FJD" | "GMD" | "GEL" | "GHC" | "GIP" | "GTQ" | "GNF" | "GWP" | "GYD" | "HTG" | "HNL" | "HKD" | "HUF" | "ISK" | "IDR" | "IRR" | "IQD" | "ILS" | "JMD" | "JPY" | "JOD" | "KZT" | "KES" | "AUD" | "KPW" | "KRW" | "KWD" | "KGS" | "LAK" | "LVL" | "LBP" | "LSL" | "LRD" | "LYD" | "CHF" | "LTL" | "MOP" | "MKD" | "MGF" | "MWK" | "MYR" | "MVR" | "MTL" | "EUR" | "MRO" | "MUR" | "MXN" | "MXV" | "MDL" | "MNT" | "XCD" | "MZM" | "MMK" | "ZAR" | "NAD" | "NPR" | "ANG" | "XPF" | "NZD" | "NIO" | "NGN" | "NOK" | "OMR" | "PKR" | "PAB" | "PGK" | "PYG" | "PEN" | "PHP" | "PLN" | "USD" | "QAR" | "ROL" | "RUB" | "RUR" | "RWF" | "SHP" | "WST" | "STD" | "SAR" | "SCR" | "SLL" | "SGD" | "SKK" | "SIT" | "SBD" | "SOS" | "LKR" | "SDD" | "SRG" | "SZL" | "SEK" | "SYP" | "TWD" | "TJS" | "TZS" | "THB" | "XOF" | "TOP" | "TTD" | "TND" | "TRL" | "TMM" | "UGX" | "UAH" | "AED" | "GBP" | "USS" | "USN" | "UYU" | "UZS" | "VUV" | "VEB" | "VND" | "MAD" | "YER" | "YUM" | "ZMK" | "ZWD" | "ATS" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="TotalPrice" type="ns:AmountType"/>

ns:AmountType, simple content
The sale price of the order line item. This amount does not take into account shipping and handling charges, sales tax, or any other costs related to the order line item. If multiple units were purchased through a non- variation, fixed-price listing, this value will reflect that. So, if the base cost of the order line item was $15.00, and a quantity of two were purchased (Transaction.QuantityPurchased) the value in this field would show as 30.00.

To see the full price of the order line item, including any shipping and handling charges, and any sales tax, the (Transaction.TotalPrice) field value should be viewed instead. However, note that the TotalPrice field value is only updated after a shipping service option is selected and payment is made. And if the seller is offering free shipping, the values in the TotalTransactionPrice and the TotalPrice fields may be the same.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("AFA" | "ALL" | "DZD" | "ADP" | "AOA" | "ARS" | "AMD" | "AWG" | "AZM" | "BSD" | "BHD" | "BDT" | "BBD" | "BYR" | "BZD" | "BMD" | "BTN" | "INR" | "BOV" | "BOB" | "BAM" | "BWP" | "BRL" | "BND" | "BGL" | "BGN" | "BIF" | "KHR" | "CAD" | "CVE" | "KYD" | "XAF" | "CLF" | "CLP" | "CNY" | "COP" | "KMF" | "CDF" | "CRC" | "HRK" | "CUP" | "CYP" | "CZK" | "DKK" | "DJF" | "DOP" | "TPE" | "ECV" | "ECS" | "EGP" | "SVC" | "ERN" | "EEK" | "ETB" | "FKP" | "FJD" | "GMD" | "GEL" | "GHC" | "GIP" | "GTQ" | "GNF" | "GWP" | "GYD" | "HTG" | "HNL" | "HKD" | "HUF" | "ISK" | "IDR" | "IRR" | "IQD" | "ILS" | "JMD" | "JPY" | "JOD" | "KZT" | "KES" | "AUD" | "KPW" | "KRW" | "KWD" | "KGS" | "LAK" | "LVL" | "LBP" | "LSL" | "LRD" | "LYD" | "CHF" | "LTL" | "MOP" | "MKD" | "MGF" | "MWK" | "MYR" | "MVR" | "MTL" | "EUR" | "MRO" | "MUR" | "MXN" | "MXV" | "MDL" | "MNT" | "XCD" | "MZM" | "MMK" | "ZAR" | "NAD" | "NPR" | "ANG" | "XPF" | "NZD" | "NIO" | "NGN" | "NOK" | "OMR" | "PKR" | "PAB" | "PGK" | "PYG" | "PEN" | "PHP" | "PLN" | "USD" | "QAR" | "ROL" | "RUB" | "RUR" | "RWF" | "SHP" | "WST" | "STD" | "SAR" | "SCR" | "SLL" | "SGD" | "SKK" | "SIT" | "SBD" | "SOS" | "LKR" | "SDD" | "SRG" | "SZL" | "SEK" | "SYP" | "TWD" | "TJS" | "TZS" | "THB" | "XOF" | "TOP" | "TTD" | "TND" | "TRL" | "TMM" | "UGX" | "UAH" | "AED" | "GBP" | "USS" | "USN" | "UYU" | "UZS" | "VUV" | "VEB" | "VND" | "MAD" | "YER" | "YUM" | "ZMK" | "ZWD" | "ATS" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="TotalTransactionPrice" type="ns:AmountType"/>

xs:string, predefined, simple content
Unique identifier for an eBay sales transaction. This identifier is created once there is a commitment from a buyer to purchase an item, or if/when the buyer actually purchases the line item through a 'Buy it Now' option. An ItemID/TransactionID pair can be used and referenced during an order checkout flow to identify a line item.

The TransactionID value for auction listings is always 0 since there can be only one winning bidder/one sale for an auction listing.

For GetOrders, GetOrderTransactions, and GetItemTransactions only: If using Trading WSDL Version 1019 or above, this field will only be returned to the buyer, seller, or PayPal (if payment method is PayPal), and no longer returned at all to third parties (except for PayPal). If using a Trading WSDL older than Version 1019, transaction ID is only returned to the buyer, seller or PayPal, and a dummy value of 10000000000000 will be returned to all third parties (except for PayPal).
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:string }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="TransactionID" type="xs:string"/>

ns:AmountType, simple content
The sale price for one unit of the line item. This price does not include any other costs like shipping charges or sales tax, and its value will remain the same before and after payment. If multiple units were purchased through a single-variation, fixed-price listing, to get the subtotal of the units purchased, the TransactionPrice value would have to be multiplied by the Transaction.QuantityPurchased value.

For a motor vehicle listing that required a deposit/down payment, the amount in the TransactionPrice is actually the deposit amount.

For GetMyeBaySelling: this field is only returned if the transaction came as a result of a buyer's Best Offer accepted by the seller. Otherwise, the Transaction.TotalPrice field should be viewed instead.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("AFA" | "ALL" | "DZD" | "ADP" | "AOA" | "ARS" | "AMD" | "AWG" | "AZM" | "BSD" | "BHD" | "BDT" | "BBD" | "BYR" | "BZD" | "BMD" | "BTN" | "INR" | "BOV" | "BOB" | "BAM" | "BWP" | "BRL" | "BND" | "BGL" | "BGN" | "BIF" | "KHR" | "CAD" | "CVE" | "KYD" | "XAF" | "CLF" | "CLP" | "CNY" | "COP" | "KMF" | "CDF" | "CRC" | "HRK" | "CUP" | "CYP" | "CZK" | "DKK" | "DJF" | "DOP" | "TPE" | "ECV" | "ECS" | "EGP" | "SVC" | "ERN" | "EEK" | "ETB" | "FKP" | "FJD" | "GMD" | "GEL" | "GHC" | "GIP" | "GTQ" | "GNF" | "GWP" | "GYD" | "HTG" | "HNL" | "HKD" | "HUF" | "ISK" | "IDR" | "IRR" | "IQD" | "ILS" | "JMD" | "JPY" | "JOD" | "KZT" | "KES" | "AUD" | "KPW" | "KRW" | "KWD" | "KGS" | "LAK" | "LVL" | "LBP" | "LSL" | "LRD" | "LYD" | "CHF" | "LTL" | "MOP" | "MKD" | "MGF" | "MWK" | "MYR" | "MVR" | "MTL" | "EUR" | "MRO" | "MUR" | "MXN" | "MXV" | "MDL" | "MNT" | "XCD" | "MZM" | "MMK" | "ZAR" | "NAD" | "NPR" | "ANG" | "XPF" | "NZD" | "NIO" | "NGN" | "NOK" | "OMR" | "PKR" | "PAB" | "PGK" | "PYG" | "PEN" | "PHP" | "PLN" | "USD" | "QAR" | "ROL" | "RUB" | "RUR" | "RWF" | "SHP" | "WST" | "STD" | "SAR" | "SCR" | "SLL" | "SGD" | "SKK" | "SIT" | "SBD" | "SOS" | "LKR" | "SDD" | "SRG" | "SZL" | "SEK" | "SYP" | "TWD" | "TJS" | "TZS" | "THB" | "XOF" | "TOP" | "TTD" | "TND" | "TRL" | "TMM" | "UGX" | "UAH" | "AED" | "GBP" | "USS" | "USN" | "UYU" | "UZS" | "VUV" | "VEB" | "VND" | "MAD" | "YER" | "YUM" | "ZMK" | "ZWD" | "ATS" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="TransactionPrice" type="ns:AmountType"/>

ns:SiteCodeType, simple content
The site upon which the line item was purchased.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="TransactionSiteID" type="ns:SiteCodeType"/>

ns:UnpaidItemType, complex content
Container consisting of details related to the type and status of an Unpaid Item case. This container is only returned if there is an open (or recently closed) Unpaid Item case associated with the order line item.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="UnpaidItem" type="ns:UnpaidItemType"/>

ns:VariationType, complex content
In a fixed-priced listing, a seller can offer variations of the same item. For example, the seller could create a fixed-priced listing for a t-shirt design, and offer the shirt in different colors and sizes. In this case, each color and size combination is a separate variation. Each variation can have a different quantity and price. Due to the possible price differentiation, buyers can buy multiple items from this listing at the same time, but all of the items must be of the same variation. One order line item is created whether one or multiple quanity of the same variation are purchased.

The Variation node contains information about which variation was purchased. Therefore, applications that process orders should always check to see if this node is present.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Variation" type="ns:VariationType"/>

xs:decimal, predefined, simple content
VAT rate for the line item. When the VATPercent is specified, the item's VAT information appears on the item's listing page. In addition, the seller can choose to print an invoice that includes the item's net price, VAT percent, VAT amount, and total price. Since VAT rates vary depending on the item and on the user's country of residence, a seller is responsible for entering the correct VAT rate; it is not calculated by eBay. To specify a VATPercent, a seller must have a VAT-ID registered with eBay and must be listing the item on a VAT-enabled site. Max precision 3 decimal places. Max length 5 characters. Note: The View Item page displays the precision to 2 decimal places with no trailing zeros. However, the full value you send in is stored.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:decimal }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="VATPercent" type="xs:decimal"/>

{any element from any namespace}
XML Source (see within schema source)
<xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" processContents="lax"/>

eBay Trading API

WSDL documentation generated with FlexDoc/XML 1.13 using FlexDoc/XML WSDLDoc 1.2.5 template set. All XSD diagrams generated by FlexDoc/XML DiagramKit.