Xignite Web Services

Service "tns:XigniteGlobalNews"
Provide stock and market news operations.
XML Source (w/o documentations (1); see within WSDL source)
<wsdl:service name="XigniteGlobalNews">
<wsdl:port binding="tns:XigniteGlobalNewsSoap" name="XigniteGlobalNewsSoap">
<soap:address location=""/>
<soap12:address location=""/>
<http:address location=""/>
<http:address location=""/>
Port Detail
Port Type:
Extensibility Elements:
<soap:address location=""/>
GetHistoricalMarketHeadlines - Returns all market headlines that were published in a specified time frame.
GetHistoricalMarketHeadlinesBySector - Returns all market headlines that were published in a specified time frame for a specified sector.
GetHistoricalMarketReleases - Returns all market press releases that were published in a specified time frame.
GetHistoricalReleasesBySecurity - Return press releases headlines for a security and a date range.
GetHistoricalSecurityHeadlines - Returns all headlines that were published in a specified time frame for a given security.
GetMarketHeadlinesByQuery - Returns headlines by text search in headlines.
GetMarketNewsDetails - Returns the summary content for a specified headline.
GetRecentTopSecurityHeadlines - Returns 14 days specified number of headlines for a given security.
GetTodaysMarketHeadlines - Returns all market headlines that were published today.
GetTodaysMarketHeadlinesBySector - Returns all market headlines that were published today for a specified sector.
GetTodaysMarketReleases - Return press releases for today.
GetTodaysReleasesBySecurity - Return press releases for a security for today.
GetTodaysSecurityHeadlines - Returns all headlines that were published today for a given security.
GetTopMarketHeadlines - Returns the most recent specified number of market headlines.
GetTopMarketHeadlinesBySector - Returns the most recent specified number of market headlines associated with a specified sector.
GetTopMarketSummaries - Return the top market summaries.
GetTopReleaseSummariesBySecurity - Return the top press releases summaries for a security.
GetTopReleasesBySecurity - Return the top press releases for a security.
GetTopSecurityHeadlines - Returns the most recent specified number of headlines for a given security.
GetTopSecuritySummaries - Returns all headline summaries that were published today for a given security.
ListExchanges - List supported exchanges.
ListSectors - Provides a list of all available values for a given sector.
ListSymbols - This operation returns symbols in this exchange.

Port Type:
Extensibility Elements:
<soap12:address location=""/>
GetHistoricalMarketHeadlines - Returns all market headlines that were published in a specified time frame.
GetHistoricalMarketHeadlinesBySector - Returns all market headlines that were published in a specified time frame for a specified sector.
GetHistoricalMarketReleases - Returns all market press releases that were published in a specified time frame.
GetHistoricalReleasesBySecurity - Return press releases headlines for a security and a date range.
GetHistoricalSecurityHeadlines - Returns all headlines that were published in a specified time frame for a given security.
GetMarketHeadlinesByQuery - Returns headlines by text search in headlines.
GetMarketNewsDetails - Returns the summary content for a specified headline.
GetRecentTopSecurityHeadlines - Returns 14 days specified number of headlines for a given security.
GetTodaysMarketHeadlines - Returns all market headlines that were published today.
GetTodaysMarketHeadlinesBySector - Returns all market headlines that were published today for a specified sector.
GetTodaysMarketReleases - Return press releases for today.
GetTodaysReleasesBySecurity - Return press releases for a security for today.
GetTodaysSecurityHeadlines - Returns all headlines that were published today for a given security.
GetTopMarketHeadlines - Returns the most recent specified number of market headlines.
GetTopMarketHeadlinesBySector - Returns the most recent specified number of market headlines associated with a specified sector.
GetTopMarketSummaries - Return the top market summaries.
GetTopReleaseSummariesBySecurity - Return the top press releases summaries for a security.
GetTopReleasesBySecurity - Return the top press releases for a security.
GetTopSecurityHeadlines - Returns the most recent specified number of headlines for a given security.
GetTopSecuritySummaries - Returns all headline summaries that were published today for a given security.
ListExchanges - List supported exchanges.
ListSectors - Provides a list of all available values for a given sector.
ListSymbols - This operation returns symbols in this exchange.

Port Type:
Extensibility Elements:
<http:address location=""/>
GetHistoricalMarketHeadlines - Returns all market headlines that were published in a specified time frame.
GetHistoricalMarketHeadlinesBySector - Returns all market headlines that were published in a specified time frame for a specified sector.
GetHistoricalMarketReleases - Returns all market press releases that were published in a specified time frame.
GetHistoricalReleasesBySecurity - Return press releases headlines for a security and a date range.
GetHistoricalSecurityHeadlines - Returns all headlines that were published in a specified time frame for a given security.
GetMarketHeadlinesByQuery - Returns headlines by text search in headlines.
GetMarketNewsDetails - Returns the summary content for a specified headline.
GetRecentTopSecurityHeadlines - Returns 14 days specified number of headlines for a given security.
GetTodaysMarketHeadlines - Returns all market headlines that were published today.
GetTodaysMarketHeadlinesBySector - Returns all market headlines that were published today for a specified sector.
GetTodaysMarketReleases - Return press releases for today.
GetTodaysReleasesBySecurity - Return press releases for a security for today.
GetTodaysSecurityHeadlines - Returns all headlines that were published today for a given security.
GetTopMarketHeadlines - Returns the most recent specified number of market headlines.
GetTopMarketHeadlinesBySector - Returns the most recent specified number of market headlines associated with a specified sector.
GetTopMarketSummaries - Return the top market summaries.
GetTopReleaseSummariesBySecurity - Return the top press releases summaries for a security.
GetTopReleasesBySecurity - Return the top press releases for a security.
GetTopSecurityHeadlines - Returns the most recent specified number of headlines for a given security.
GetTopSecuritySummaries - Returns all headline summaries that were published today for a given security.
ListExchanges - List supported exchanges.
ListSectors - Provides a list of all available values for a given sector.
ListSymbols - This operation returns symbols in this exchange.

Port Type:
Extensibility Elements:
<http:address location=""/>
GetHistoricalMarketHeadlines - Returns all market headlines that were published in a specified time frame.
GetHistoricalMarketHeadlinesBySector - Returns all market headlines that were published in a specified time frame for a specified sector.
GetHistoricalMarketReleases - Returns all market press releases that were published in a specified time frame.
GetHistoricalReleasesBySecurity - Return press releases headlines for a security and a date range.
GetHistoricalSecurityHeadlines - Returns all headlines that were published in a specified time frame for a given security.
GetMarketHeadlinesByQuery - Returns headlines by text search in headlines.
GetMarketNewsDetails - Returns the summary content for a specified headline.
GetRecentTopSecurityHeadlines - Returns 14 days specified number of headlines for a given security.
GetTodaysMarketHeadlines - Returns all market headlines that were published today.
GetTodaysMarketHeadlinesBySector - Returns all market headlines that were published today for a specified sector.
GetTodaysMarketReleases - Return press releases for today.
GetTodaysReleasesBySecurity - Return press releases for a security for today.
GetTodaysSecurityHeadlines - Returns all headlines that were published today for a given security.
GetTopMarketHeadlines - Returns the most recent specified number of market headlines.
GetTopMarketHeadlinesBySector - Returns the most recent specified number of market headlines associated with a specified sector.
GetTopMarketSummaries - Return the top market summaries.
GetTopReleaseSummariesBySecurity - Return the top press releases summaries for a security.
GetTopReleasesBySecurity - Return the top press releases for a security.
GetTopSecurityHeadlines - Returns the most recent specified number of headlines for a given security.
GetTopSecuritySummaries - Returns all headline summaries that were published today for a given security.
ListExchanges - List supported exchanges.
ListSectors - Provides a list of all available values for a given sector.
ListSymbols - This operation returns symbols in this exchange.

Xignite Web Services

WSDL documentation generated with FlexDoc/XML 1.13 using FlexDoc/XML WSDLDoc 1.2.5 template set. All XSD diagrams generated by FlexDoc/XML DiagramKit.