eBay Trading API

simpleType "ns:ReturnStatusCodeType"
globally in Schema in ebaySvc.wsdl; see XML source
Simple Content Model
enumeration of xs:token
Simple Content Restrictions:
This value indicates that the return request is invalid.
This value indicates that the return request is not applicable.
This value indicates that the return request has been initiated by the buyer and is pending approval by the seller.
This value indicates that the buyer's return request was rejected by the seller.
This value indicates that a return request was successfully opened by the buyer.
This value indicates that the buyer has return shipped the item(s) in the return request back to the seller.
This value indicates that the seller has received the item(s) that the buyer return shipped.
This value indicates that a return request was closed with a refund issued to the buyer.
This value indicates that a return request was closed after being escalated to an eBay return case.
This value indicates that a return request was closed with no refund issued to the buyer.
This value indicates that a return request was escalated to an eBay return case, and the case is awaiting a response from the buyer.
This value indicates that a return request was escalated to an eBay return case, and the case is awaiting a response from the seller.
This value indicates that a return request was escalated to an eBay return case, and the case is awaiting a response from eBay Customer Support.
This value indicates that a return request was escalated to an eBay return case, but the case was closed with a refund issued to the buyer.
This value indicates that a return request was escalated to an eBay return case, but the case was closed with no refund issued to the buyer.
This value indicates that a return request was escalated to an eBay return case.
This value indicates that the return request is currently in the pending state.
This value indicates that the return request was closed with a refund to the buyer.
This value indicates that the return request was closed with no refund to the buyer.
Reserved for internal or future use.

All Direct / Indirect Based Elements (1):
Known Usage Locations
Enumerated type that defines the possible states of an eBay return request.
Type Definition Detail
Type Derivation Tree
xs:token (restriction)
restriction of xs:token
XML Source (w/o annotations (21); see within schema source)
<xs:simpleType name="ReturnStatusCodeType">
<xs:restriction base="xs:token">
<xs:enumeration value="Invalid"/>
<xs:enumeration value="NotApplicable"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ReturnRequestPendingApproval"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ReturnRequestRejected"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ReturnOpen"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ReturnShipped"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ReturnDelivered"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ReturnClosedWithRefund"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ReturnClosedEscalated"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ReturnClosedNoRefund"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ReturnEscalatedPendingBuyer"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ReturnEscalatedPendingSeller"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ReturnEscalatedPendingCS"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ReturnEscalatedClosedWithRefund"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ReturnEscalatedClosedNoRefund"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ReturnEscalated"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ReturnRequestPending"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ReturnRequestClosedWithRefund"/>
<xs:enumeration value="ReturnRequestClosedNoRefund"/>
<xs:enumeration value="CustomCode"/>

eBay Trading API

WSDL documentation generated with FlexDoc/XML 1.13 using FlexDoc/XML WSDLDoc 1.2.5 template set. All XSD diagrams generated by FlexDoc/XML DiagramKit.