eBay Trading API

complexType "ns:StoreVacationPreferencesType"
complex, 7 elements
globally in Schema in ebaySvc.wsdl; see XML source
definitions of 7 elements
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
All Direct / Indirect Based Elements (1):
Known Usage Locations
This type is used by the VacationPreferences container that is set in a SetStorePreferences call and returned in a GetStorePreferences call.
XML Source (w/o annotations (8); see within schema source)
<xs:complexType name="StoreVacationPreferencesType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="OnVacation" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ReturnDate" type="xs:dateTime"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="HideFixedPriceStoreItems" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MessageItem" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MessageStore" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DisplayMessageStoreCustomText" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MessageStoreCustomText" type="xs:string"/>
Content Element Detail (all declarations defined in this component; 7/7)
xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
In a SetStorePreferences call, this field should be included in the request and set to true if the eBay store owner wants a custom message regarding a vacation to display on store pages. For this field to have an affect, the seller will create their custom message regarding the vacation through the MessageStoreCustomText field. If this field is turned off (or false), instead of a custom message, a generic 'On Vacation' message and the return date (if available) will be posted to the Store pages.

In a GetStorePreferences call, this field is returned as true if the seller wants a customized vacation message to be displayed on the store page, or returned as false if the seller wants the generic 'On Vacation' message and the return date (if available) to be posted to the Store pages.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DisplayMessageStoreCustomText" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field is deprecated, as it was used for Store Inventory listings, which are no longer supported on any eBay site.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="HideFixedPriceStoreItems" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
In a SetStorePreferences call, this field should be included in the request and set to true if the eBay store owner wants information regarding the vacation to be posted on all of the seller's active listings. The following information will be displayed if this field is set to true:
  • A note about the seller being on vacation (and items being unavailable for purchase) if the OnVacation field is set to true
  • The date when the seller will return from vacation if the ReturnDate was set
If this field is included in the SetStorePreferences request and set to false, no information regarding the seller's vacation will appear on active listings.

In a GetStorePreferences call, this field is returned as true if information regarding the vacation is being displayed on active listings, or returned as false if no information regarding the vacation is being displayed on active listings.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MessageItem" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
In a SetStorePreferences call, this field should be included in the request and set to true if the eBay store owner wants information regarding the vacation to be posted on store pages. The following information will be displayed if this field is set to true:
  • A note about the seller being on vacation (and items being unavailable for purchase) if the OnVacation field is set to true
  • The date when the seller will return from vacation if the ReturnDate was set
  • A customized message from the seller regarding this vacation if the seller included a customized message through the MessageStoreCustomText field and the DisplayMessageStoreCustomText was set to true. If the DisplayMessageStoreCustomText is set to false, the generic 'On Vacation' and return date (if available) will be displayed instead.
In a GetStorePreferences call, this field is returned as true if information regarding the vacation is being displayed on the store page, or returned as false if no information regarding the vacation is being displayed on the store page.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MessageStore" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:string, predefined, simple content
In a SetStorePreferences call, this field should be included in the request, and the seller will create the customized vacation message in this field. HTML markup can be used in this field. This vacation message will appear on store pages as long as the DisplayMessageStoreCustomText field is set to true. If the DisplayMessageStoreCustomText field is set to false, any text provided through the MessageStoreCustomText will not be displayed on store pages.

In a GetStorePreferences call, this field is returned if it is set.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:string }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MessageStoreCustomText" type="xs:string"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
In a SetStorePreferences call, this field should be included in the request and set to true if the eBay store owner is going on vacation and wants to temporarily turn off all active listings. Conversely, if the eBay store owner is back from vacation, this field can be included and set to false to turn off the vacation setting.

If the 'On Vacation' setting is turned on for an eBay store owner, all of the store owner's listings will be hidden from search, and shoppers can not buy any items from that store.

In a GetStorePreferences call, this field is returned as true if the 'On Vacation' setting is turned on, or returned as false if the 'On Vacation' setting is turned off.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="OnVacation" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:dateTime, predefined, simple content
In a SetStorePreferences call, this field should be included in the request if the eBay store owner wants to inform shoppers when he/she will return from vacation. The seller should make sure they use the proper date-time format, as specified in the dateTime simple type. If a date is specified in this field, the following behavior can be expected:
  • The 'On Vacation' setting (if it was turned on) will automatically be turned off when this date is reached
  • This return date will be displayed in the listing if the VacationPreferences.MessageItem field is set to true
  • This return date will be displayed on the seller's store page if the VacationPreferences.MessageStore field is set to true
In a GetStorePreferences call, this field is returned if it was set.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:dateTime }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ReturnDate" type="xs:dateTime"/>

eBay Trading API

WSDL documentation generated with FlexDoc/XML 1.13 using FlexDoc/XML WSDLDoc 1.2.5 template set. All XSD diagrams generated by FlexDoc/XML DiagramKit.