eBay Trading API

complexType "ns:CategoryFeatureType"
complex, 139 elements, elem. wildcard
globally in Schema in ebaySvc.wsdl; see XML source
definitions of 139 elements, elem. wildcard
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
ns:CategoryID?, ns:ListingDuration*, ns:ShippingTermsRequired?, ns:BestOfferEnabled?, ns:DutchBINEnabled?, ns:UserConsentRequired?, ns:HomePageFeaturedEnabled?, ns:ProPackEnabled?, ns:BasicUpgradePackEnabled?, ns:ValuePackEnabled?, ns:ProPackPlusEnabled?, ns:AdFormatEnabled?, ns:BestOfferCounterEnabled?, ns:BestOfferAutoDeclineEnabled?, ns:LocalMarketSpecialitySubscription?, ns:LocalMarketRegularSubscription?, ns:LocalMarketPremiumSubscription?, ns:LocalMarketNonSubscription?, ns:ExpressEnabled?, ns:ExpressPicturesRequired?, ns:ExpressConditionRequired?, ns:MinimumReservePrice?, ns:SellerContactDetailsEnabled?, ns:TransactionConfirmationRequestEnabled?, ns:StoreInventoryEnabled?, ns:SkypeMeTransactionalEnabled?, ns:SkypeMeNonTransactionalEnabled?, ns:ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabled?, ns:ClassifiedAdShippingMethodEnabled?, ns:ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled?, ns:ClassifiedAdCounterOfferEnabled?, ns:ClassifiedAdAutoDeclineEnabled?, ns:ClassifiedAdContactByPhoneEnabled?, ns:ClassifiedAdContactByEmailEnabled?, ns:SafePaymentRequired?, ns:ClassifiedAdPayPerLeadEnabled?, ns:ItemSpecificsEnabled?, ns:PaisaPayFullEscrowEnabled?, ns:BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled?, ns:ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled?, ns:BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabled?, ns:CrossBorderTradeNorthAmericaEnabled?, ns:CrossBorderTradeGBEnabled?, ns:CrossBorderTradeAustraliaEnabled?, ns:PayPalBuyerProtectionEnabled?, ns:BuyerGuaranteeEnabled?, ns:CombinedFixedPriceTreatmentEnabled?, ns:GalleryFeaturedDurations?, ns:PayPalRequired?, ns:eBayMotorsProAdFormatEnabled?, ns:eBayMotorsProContactByPhoneEnabled?, ns:eBayMotorsProPhoneCount?, ns:eBayMotorsProContactByAddressEnabled?, ns:eBayMotorsProStreetCount?, ns:eBayMotorsProCompanyNameEnabled?, ns:eBayMotorsProContactByEmailEnabled?, ns:eBayMotorsProBestOfferEnabled?, ns:eBayMotorsProAutoAcceptEnabled?, ns:eBayMotorsProAutoDeclineEnabled?, ns:eBayMotorsProPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled?, ns:eBayMotorsProShippingMethodEnabled?, ns:eBayMotorsProCounterOfferEnabled?, ns:eBayMotorsProSellerContactDetailsEnabled?, ns:LocalMarketAdFormatEnabled?, ns:LocalMarketContactByPhoneEnabled?, ns:LocalMarketPhoneCount?, ns:LocalMarketContactByAddressEnabled?, ns:LocalMarketStreetCount?, ns:LocalMarketCompanyNameEnabled?, ns:LocalMarketContactByEmailEnabled?, ns:LocalMarketBestOfferEnabled?, ns:LocalMarketAutoAcceptEnabled?, ns:LocalMarketAutoDeclineEnabled?, ns:LocalMarketPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled?, ns:LocalMarketShippingMethodEnabled?, ns:LocalMarketCounterOfferEnabled?, ns:LocalMarketSellerContactDetailsEnabled?, ns:ClassifiedAdPhoneCount?, ns:ClassifiedAdContactByAddressEnabled?, ns:ClassifiedAdStreetCount?, ns:ClassifiedAdCompanyNameEnabled?, ns:SpecialitySubscription?, ns:RegularSubscription?, ns:PremiumSubscription?, ns:NonSubscription?, ns:INEscrowWorkflowTimeline?, ns:PayPalRequiredForStoreOwner?, ns:ReviseQuantityAllowed?, ns:RevisePriceAllowed?, ns:StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsEnabled?, ns:StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurations?, ns:ReturnPolicyEnabled?, ns:HandlingTimeEnabled?, ns:MaxFlatShippingCost?, ns:Group1MaxFlatShippingCost?, ns:Group2MaxFlatShippingCost?, ns:Group3MaxFlatShippingCost?, ns:PaymentMethod*, ns:VariationsEnabled?, ns:AttributeConversionEnabled?, ns:FreeGalleryPlusEnabled?, ns:FreePicturePackEnabled?, ns:ItemCompatibilityEnabled?, ns:MinItemCompatibility?, ns:MaxItemCompatibility?, ns:ConditionEnabled?, ns:ConditionValues?, ns:SpecialFeatures?, ns:ValueCategory?, ns:ProductCreationEnabled?, ns:EANEnabled?, ns:ISBNEnabled?, ns:UPCEnabled?, ns:MaxGranularFitmentCount?, ns:CompatibleVehicleType?, ns:PaymentOptionsGroup?, ns:ShippingProfileCategoryGroup?, ns:PaymentProfileCategoryGroup?, ns:ReturnPolicyProfileCategoryGroup?, ns:VINSupported?, ns:VRMSupported?, ns:SellerProvidedTitleSupported?, ns:DepositSupported?, ns:GlobalShippingEnabled?, ns:AdditionalCompatibilityEnabled?, {any}*, ns:PickupDropOffEnabled?, ns:DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled?, ns:EpidSupported?, ns:KTypeSupported?, ns:ProductRequiredEnabled?, ns:DomesticReturnsAcceptedValues?, ns:InternationalReturnsAcceptedValues?, ns:DomesticReturnsDurationValues?, ns:InternationalReturnsDurationValues?, ns:DomesticReturnsShipmentPayeeValues?, ns:InternationalReturnsShipmentPayeeValues?, ns:DomesticRefundMethodValues?, ns:InternationalRefundMethodValues?, ns:ReturnPolicyDescriptionEnabled?
All Direct / Indirect Based Elements (1):
Known Usage Locations
Type defining the Category container that is returned in the GetCategoryFeatures response. A Category node is returned for each category that is relevant/applicable to the input criteria in the GetCategoryFeatures request. The CategoryID value identifies the eBay category. The rest of the CategoryFeatureType fields that are returned will be dependent on which FeatureID value(s) are specified in the GetCategoryFeatures request.
XML Source (w/o annotations (140); see within schema source)
<xs:complexType name="CategoryFeatureType">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CategoryID" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="ListingDuration" type="ns:ListingDurationReferenceType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ShippingTermsRequired" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BestOfferEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DutchBINEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="UserConsentRequired" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="HomePageFeaturedEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ProPackEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BasicUpgradePackEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ValuePackEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ProPackPlusEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="AdFormatEnabled" type="ns:AdFormatEnabledCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BestOfferCounterEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BestOfferAutoDeclineEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketSpecialitySubscription" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketRegularSubscription" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketPremiumSubscription" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketNonSubscription" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ExpressEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ExpressPicturesRequired" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ExpressConditionRequired" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MinimumReservePrice" type="xs:double"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SellerContactDetailsEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="TransactionConfirmationRequestEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="StoreInventoryEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SkypeMeTransactionalEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SkypeMeNonTransactionalEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdShippingMethodEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdCounterOfferEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdAutoDeclineEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdContactByPhoneEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdContactByEmailEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SafePaymentRequired" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdPayPerLeadEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ItemSpecificsEnabled" type="ns:ItemSpecificsEnabledCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PaisaPayFullEscrowEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CrossBorderTradeNorthAmericaEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CrossBorderTradeGBEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CrossBorderTradeAustraliaEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PayPalBuyerProtectionEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BuyerGuaranteeEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CombinedFixedPriceTreatmentEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PayPalRequired" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProAdFormatEnabled" type="ns:AdFormatEnabledCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProContactByPhoneEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProPhoneCount" type="xs:int"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProContactByAddressEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProStreetCount" type="xs:int"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProCompanyNameEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProContactByEmailEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProAutoAcceptEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProAutoDeclineEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProShippingMethodEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProCounterOfferEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProSellerContactDetailsEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketAdFormatEnabled" type="ns:AdFormatEnabledCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketContactByPhoneEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketPhoneCount" type="xs:int"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketContactByAddressEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketStreetCount" type="xs:int"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketCompanyNameEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketContactByEmailEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketAutoAcceptEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketAutoDeclineEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketShippingMethodEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketCounterOfferEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketSellerContactDetailsEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdPhoneCount" type="xs:int"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdContactByAddressEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdStreetCount" type="xs:int"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdCompanyNameEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SpecialitySubscription" type="ns:GeographicExposureCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="RegularSubscription" type="ns:GeographicExposureCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PremiumSubscription" type="ns:GeographicExposureCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="NonSubscription" type="ns:GeographicExposureCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="INEscrowWorkflowTimeline" type="ns:INEscrowWorkflowTimelineCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PayPalRequiredForStoreOwner" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ReviseQuantityAllowed" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="RevisePriceAllowed" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ReturnPolicyEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="HandlingTimeEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MaxFlatShippingCost" type="ns:AmountType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Group1MaxFlatShippingCost" type="ns:AmountType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Group2MaxFlatShippingCost" type="ns:AmountType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Group3MaxFlatShippingCost" type="ns:AmountType"/>
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="PaymentMethod" type="ns:BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="VariationsEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="AttributeConversionEnabled" type="ns:AttributeConversionEnabledCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="FreeGalleryPlusEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="FreePicturePackEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ItemCompatibilityEnabled" type="ns:ItemCompatibilityEnabledCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MinItemCompatibility" type="xs:int"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MaxItemCompatibility" type="xs:int"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ConditionEnabled" type="ns:ConditionEnabledCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ConditionValues" type="ns:ConditionValuesType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SpecialFeatures" type="ns:ConditionValuesType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ValueCategory" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ProductCreationEnabled" type="ns:ProductCreationEnabledCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="EANEnabled" type="ns:ProductIdentiferEnabledCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ISBNEnabled" type="ns:ProductIdentiferEnabledCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="UPCEnabled" type="ns:ProductIdentiferEnabledCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MaxGranularFitmentCount" type="xs:int"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CompatibleVehicleType" type="xs:string"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PaymentOptionsGroup" type="ns:PaymentOptionsGroupEnabledCodeType"/>
<!--Added for Seller Policies -27272 -->
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ShippingProfileCategoryGroup" type="ns:ProfileCategoryGroupCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PaymentProfileCategoryGroup" type="ns:ProfileCategoryGroupCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ReturnPolicyProfileCategoryGroup" type="ns:ProfileCategoryGroupCodeType"/>
<!-- START - Added For EOL Attributes - Motors Seller Tag Migration -->
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="VINSupported" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="VRMSupported" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SellerProvidedTitleSupported" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DepositSupported" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="GlobalShippingEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<!-- END - Added For EOL Attributes - Motors Seller Tag Migration -->
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="AdditionalCompatibilityEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" processContents="lax"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PickupDropOffEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="EpidSupported" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="KTypeSupported" type="xs:boolean"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ProductRequiredEnabled" type="ns:ProductRequiredEnabledCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DomesticReturnsAcceptedValues" type="ns:DomesticReturnsAcceptedCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DomesticReturnsDurationValues" type="ns:DomesticReturnsDurationCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DomesticRefundMethodValues" type="ns:DomesticRefundMethodCodeType"/>
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ReturnPolicyDescriptionEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>
Content Element Detail (all declarations defined in this component; 140/140)
xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field indicates whether or not the category (specified in the Category.CategoryID field) supports Boats and Motorcycles Parts compatibility. If true, parts compatibility name-value pairs for boats and motorcycles can be added to an item listed in the specified category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include AdditionalCompatibilityEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="AdditionalCompatibilityEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

Indicates whether the category supports Classified Ad listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include AdFormatEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
This value indicates that the Classified Ad format feature is disabled for the site or category.
This value indicates that the Classified Ad format feature is enabled for the site or category.
This value indicates that the Classified Ad format is the only listing type supported by the eBay category. This value is not applicable at the eBay site level.
This value indicates that the lead-generation Classified Ad format feature is enabled for the site or category.
This value indicates that the lead-generation Classified Ad format is the only listing type supported by the eBay category. This value is not applicable at the eBay site level.
This value indicates that eBay Motors Local Market listings are enabled for the site or category.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="AdFormatEnabled" type="ns:AdFormatEnabledCodeType"/>

This field is deprecated.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
This value is not used.
This value is not used.
This value is not used.
This value is not used.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="AttributeConversionEnabled" type="ns:AttributeConversionEnabledCodeType"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field is deprecated.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BasicUpgradePackEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports the Best Offer Automatic Accept feature for listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BestOfferAutoAcceptEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports the Best Offer Auto Decline feature.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include BestOfferAutoDeclineEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BestOfferAutoDeclineEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports sellers offering a counter offer against a buyer's Best Offer, or a buyer offering a counter offer against the seller's counter offer.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include BestOfferCounterEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BestOfferCounterEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports the Best Offer feature for listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include BestOfferEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BestOfferEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports the capability to identify a product using the brand/manufacturer part number combination.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
For the Australia site, if both PayPalBuyerProtectionEnabled and BuyerGuaranteeEnabled are returned, then buyer protection is allowed for this category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include PayPalBuyerProtectionEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="BuyerGuaranteeEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:string, predefined, simple content
Specifies the unique identifier of the eBay category. All eBay feature information that is returned under the corresponding Category container is relevant to this eBay category.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:string }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CategoryID" type="xs:string"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports the Best Offer Automatic Accept feature for Classified Ad listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdAutoAcceptEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether automatic decline for best offers for Classified Ad listings is enabled for this category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdAutoDeclineEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdAutoDeclineEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

Indicates if Best offer is enabled for Classified Ad listings for this category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is disabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field), or disabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field).
This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is enabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field), or enabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field).
This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is required for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field). This value is not applicable at the site level (SiteDefaults container).
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether this category supports including a company name in the seller's contact information. This element is for For Sale By Owner listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdCompanyNameEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdCompanyNameEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether this category supports including an address in the seller's contact information. This element is for For Sale By Owner listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdContactByAddressEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdContactByAddressEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports email as a contact method for Classified Ad listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdContactByEmailEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdContactByEmailEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports the telephone as a contact method for Classified Ad listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdContactByPhoneEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdContactByPhoneEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether counter offers are allowed in Classified Ad listings for this category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdCounterOfferEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdCounterOfferEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

Indicates whether the payment method should be displayed to the user for Classified Ad format listings. Even if enabled, checkout may or may not be enabled.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdPaymentMethodEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
Display the payment method and permit checkout.
Display the payment method and suppress checkout.
Do not display the payment method.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates if pay-per-lead listings are allowed for this category. Pay-per-lead listings can be applicable if the value of ListingType is LeadGeneration and the value of ListingSubtype is ClassifiedAd.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdPayPerLeadEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:int, predefined, simple content
Indicates which telephone option is included in the seller's contact information. This element is for For Sale By Owner listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdContactByPhoneEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:int }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdPhoneCount" type="xs:int"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates if shipping options are available for Classified Ad listings in the category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdShippingMethodEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdShippingMethodEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:int, predefined, simple content
Indicates which address option is included in the seller's contact information. This element is for For Sale By Owner listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ClassifiedAdContactByAddressEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:int }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ClassifiedAdStreetCount" type="xs:int"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field is deprecated.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CombinedFixedPriceTreatmentEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:string, predefined, simple content
This field is for future use. It is currently returned as an empty field, but in the future, the string value in this field will indicate Parts Compatibility vehicle type (e.g. cars, motorcycles, boats).

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include CompatibleVehicleType.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:string }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CompatibleVehicleType" type="xs:string"/>

Indicates whether the category supports, requires, or doesn't support the use item condition for an item listing. For categories that require or support the use of item condition, see the ConditionValues and/or SpecialFeatures containers for a list of valid item conditions (display names and ID values).

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ConditionEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
This value indicates that Condition IDs are disabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ConditionEnabled field), or disabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ConditionEnabled field).
This value indicates that Condition IDs are enabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ConditionEnabled field), or enabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ConditionEnabled field).
This value indicates that Condition IDs are required for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ConditionEnabled field). This value is not applicable at the site level (SiteDefaults container).
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ConditionEnabled" type="ns:ConditionEnabledCodeType"/>

ns:ConditionValuesType, complex content
This container specifies all of the item conditions that are supported for the corresponding category. The display name of the item condiation and the ID associated with the description are both shown.

This container will not be returned for any eBay categories that don't support the use of an item condition value. To see which categories require, support, or don't support the use of item conditions, you can include a FeatureID value of ConditionEnabled. Any eBay category that does not support the use of an item condition value will return a ConditionEnabled value of Disabled.

This container will also not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ConditionValues.

Note: The Certified Refurbished condition (Condition ID 2000) is now returned in the SpecialFeatures container. A seller must be pre-qualified by eBay to list items with the Certified Refurbished condition.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ConditionValues" type="ns:ConditionValuesType"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports specifying that listings be displayed in the default search results of the Australia site.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include CrossBorderTradeEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CrossBorderTradeAustraliaEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports specifying that listings be displayed in the default search results of the UK and Ireland sites.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include CrossBorderTradeEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CrossBorderTradeGBEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports specifying that listings be displayed in the default search results of North America sites (US and Canada (English).

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include CrossBorderTradeEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="CrossBorderTradeNorthAmericaEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field is returned as true if the corresponding category supports the use of a deposit/down payment on a motor vehicle listing. In an AddItem call, the seller can configure a down payment for a motor vehicle listing using the PaymentDetails container.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DepositSupported" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
A true value in this field indicates that digital gift cards (eBay gift cards or third-party gift cards) can be listed in the category specified in the Category.CategoryID field. A false value in this field indicates that digital gift cards can not be listed in the specified category.

Digital gift cards are currently only supported on the US site. There are some restrictions when it comes to selling gift cards, including the following:
  • Each seller can only have one gift card listing at any given time
  • The maximum dollar value of the gift card may not exceed 500.00
  • Prepaid credit cards from American Express, Discover, MasterCard, or Visa are not allowed
For more information on eBay's Gift Card policy, see the Gift cards policy Help page.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DigitalGoodDeliveryEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

On the EBAY_US marketplace only, sellers can offer item replacement in addition to offering money back returns. This flag defines the availability of such options for the given US marketplace category. Sellers can offer item replacements only if returns are enabled (returnPolicyEnabled is set to true) for the item. You can specify item replacement in the AddItem family of calls and in the return policy settings of the Account and Business Policies Management APIs.

Note: In May 2018, eBay added the ability to create a separate international return policy for items that are shipped to international customers. If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead. For more information on setting separate domestic and international return policies, see the International returns policy help topic. For the international equivalent of this field, see the InternationalRefundMethodValues field.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DomesticRefundMethodValues" type="ns:DomesticRefundMethodCodeType"/>

The values returned in this field indicate whether or not the seller accepts domestic returns for items listed in the associated marketplace and category.

While most categories return the ReturnsAccepted flag (indicating the category supports returns), some categories will also return the ReturnsNotAccepted flag to indicate the seller can choose to not accept returns for an item listed in that category.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated category, which indicates that items listed in the category must include a return policy. Here, it's worth noting that not accepting returns is a return policy. The values returned in this field are valid in AddItem and its related family of calls, and in the return policies you configure for use with the Account and Business Policies Management APIs.

Note: In May 2018, eBay added the ability to create a separate international return policy for items that are shipped to international customers. If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead. For more information on setting separate domestic and international return policies, see the International returns policy help topic. For the international equivalent of this field, see the InternationalReturnsAcceptedValues field.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DomesticReturnsAcceptedValues" type="ns:DomesticReturnsAcceptedCodeType"/>

The values returned in this field indicate the return duration options that are available for domestic returns for items listed in the associated marketplace and category.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated category, which indicates that items listed in the category must include a return policy. The values returned in this field are valid in AddItem and its related family of calls, and in the return policies you configure for use with the Account and Business Policies Management APIs.

Note: In May 2018, eBay added the ability to create a separate international return policy for items that are shipped to international customers. If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead. For more information on setting separate domestic and international return policies, see the International returns policy help topic. For the international equivalent of this field, see the InternationalReturnsDurationValues field.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DomesticReturnsDurationValues" type="ns:DomesticReturnsDurationCodeType"/>

The values returned in this field indicate the available options for who pays the return shipping for domestic returns. Possible values are BUYER and SELLER.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated category, which indicates that items listed in the category must include a return policy. The values returned in this field are valid in AddItem and its related family of calls, and in the return policies you configure for use with the Account and Business Policies Management APIs.

Note: In May 2018, eBay added the ability to create a separate international return policy for items that are shipped to international customers. If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead. For more information on setting separate domestic and international return policies, see the International returns policy help topic. For the international equivalent of this field, see the InternationalReturnsShipmentPayeeValues field.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field is deprecated.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="DutchBINEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

Indicates whether or not European Article Numbers (EANs) are supported/required when listing products in the category. A value of Disabled indicates that EANs cannot be used for the category, a value of Enabled indicates that EANs can be used for the category, and a value of Required indicates that an EAN is required when listing a product in this category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include EANEnabled.

Note: It is recommended that sellers always use GetCategoryFeatures to see if an eBay category requires a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) or a Brand/MPN combination. So, that means that they should look for EANEnabled, ISBNEnabled, UPCEnabled, and BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled at the category level in the GetCategoryFeatures response.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) may not be used to help create a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) do not support the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category does not support the use of product identifiers.
This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) may be used to help create a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) support the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category supports the use of product identifiers.
This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) is required when creating a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) require the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category requires the use of product identifiers when creating a listing.
This value is for future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="EANEnabled" type="ns:ProductIdentiferEnabledCodeType"/>

Specifies whether this category allows Classified Ad listings on eBay Motors. This element is applicable for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProAdFormatEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
This value indicates that the Classified Ad format feature is disabled for the site or category.
This value indicates that the Classified Ad format feature is enabled for the site or category.
This value indicates that the Classified Ad format is the only listing type supported by the eBay category. This value is not applicable at the eBay site level.
This value indicates that the lead-generation Classified Ad format feature is enabled for the site or category.
This value indicates that the lead-generation Classified Ad format is the only listing type supported by the eBay category. This value is not applicable at the eBay site level.
This value indicates that eBay Motors Local Market listings are enabled for the site or category.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProAdFormatEnabled" type="ns:AdFormatEnabledCodeType"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Specifies whether this category allows auto-accept for Best Offers for eBay Motors Classified Ad listings. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProAutoAcceptEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProAutoAcceptEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Specifies whether this category allows auto-decline for Best Offers for eBay Motors Classified Ad listings. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProAutoDeclineEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProAutoDeclineEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

Indicates if Best Offer is supported for eBay Motors Classified Ad listings in this category. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProBestOfferEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is disabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field), or disabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field).
This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is enabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field), or enabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field).
This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is required for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field). This value is not applicable at the site level (SiteDefaults container).
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether this category supports including the company name in the seller's contact information. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProCompanyNameEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProCompanyNameEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether this category supports including the address in the seller's contact information. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProContactByAddressEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProContactByAddressEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether this category supports including an email address in the seller's contact information. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProContactByEmailEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProContactByEmailEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether this category supports including the telephone in the seller's contact information. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProContactByPhoneEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProContactByPhoneEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether counter offers are allowed on Best Offers for this category in an eBay Motors Classified Ad listing. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProCounterOfferEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProCounterOfferEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

Indicates if the payment method should be displayed to the user for this category in an eBay Motors Classified Ad listing. Even if enabled, checkout may or may not be enabled. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
Display the payment method and permit checkout.
Display the payment method and suppress checkout.
Do not display the payment method.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)

xs:int, predefined, simple content
Indicates which telephone option is enabled for the seller's contact information. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProContactByPhoneEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:int }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProPhoneCount" type="xs:int"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Specifies whether this category allows seller-level contact information for eBay Motors Classified Ad listings. A value of true means seller-level contact information is available for Classified Ad listings. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProSellerContactDetailsEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProSellerContactDetailsEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates if shipping options should be displayed to the user for this category in an eBay Motors Classified Ad listing. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProShippingMethodEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProShippingMethodEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:int, predefined, simple content
Indicates which address option is enabled for the seller's contact information. This element is for eBay Motors Pro users.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include eBayMotorsProContactByAddressEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:int }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="eBayMotorsProStreetCount" type="xs:int"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field is returned as true if the category supports the use of an eBay Product ID (e.g. ePID) in an Add/Revise/Relist API call to identify which motorcycles and/or scooters are compatible with a motor vehicle part or accessory. ePIDs can only be used to identify motorcycles and scooters on the Germany and UK sites.

For more information on using an ePID to identify a compatible motorcycle or scooter through an Add/Revise/Relist API call on the Germany or UK site, see the documentation for the Compatibility.NameValueList container.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include EpidSupported.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="EpidSupported" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field is deprecated.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ExpressConditionRequired" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field is deprecated.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ExpressEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field is deprecated.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ExpressPicturesRequired" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports free, automatic upgrades for Gallery Plus, which enhances pictures in search results.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include FreeGalleryPlusEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="FreeGalleryPlusEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports free, automatic upgrades for Picture Pack, a discount package that includes super-sizing of pictures.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include FreePicturePackEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="FreePicturePackEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

This field is returned if the Featured Gallery feature is supported for the category. The time unit that is returned in this field indicates how long a gallery will be featured on eBay.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include GalleryFeaturedDurations.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates if the Global Shipping Program (GSP) is supported for the category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include GlobalShippingEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="GlobalShippingEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

ns:AmountType, simple content
Returns the applicable max cap per shipping cost for shipping service group1.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include Group1MaxFlatShippingCost.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("AFA" | "ALL" | "DZD" | "ADP" | "AOA" | "ARS" | "AMD" | "AWG" | "AZM" | "BSD" | "BHD" | "BDT" | "BBD" | "BYR" | "BZD" | "BMD" | "BTN" | "INR" | "BOV" | "BOB" | "BAM" | "BWP" | "BRL" | "BND" | "BGL" | "BGN" | "BIF" | "KHR" | "CAD" | "CVE" | "KYD" | "XAF" | "CLF" | "CLP" | "CNY" | "COP" | "KMF" | "CDF" | "CRC" | "HRK" | "CUP" | "CYP" | "CZK" | "DKK" | "DJF" | "DOP" | "TPE" | "ECV" | "ECS" | "EGP" | "SVC" | "ERN" | "EEK" | "ETB" | "FKP" | "FJD" | "GMD" | "GEL" | "GHC" | "GIP" | "GTQ" | "GNF" | "GWP" | "GYD" | "HTG" | "HNL" | "HKD" | "HUF" | "ISK" | "IDR" | "IRR" | "IQD" | "ILS" | "JMD" | "JPY" | "JOD" | "KZT" | "KES" | "AUD" | "KPW" | "KRW" | "KWD" | "KGS" | "LAK" | "LVL" | "LBP" | "LSL" | "LRD" | "LYD" | "CHF" | "LTL" | "MOP" | "MKD" | "MGF" | "MWK" | "MYR" | "MVR" | "MTL" | "EUR" | "MRO" | "MUR" | "MXN" | "MXV" | "MDL" | "MNT" | "XCD" | "MZM" | "MMK" | "ZAR" | "NAD" | "NPR" | "ANG" | "XPF" | "NZD" | "NIO" | "NGN" | "NOK" | "OMR" | "PKR" | "PAB" | "PGK" | "PYG" | "PEN" | "PHP" | "PLN" | "USD" | "QAR" | "ROL" | "RUB" | "RUR" | "RWF" | "SHP" | "WST" | "STD" | "SAR" | "SCR" | "SLL" | "SGD" | "SKK" | "SIT" | "SBD" | "SOS" | "LKR" | "SDD" | "SRG" | "SZL" | "SEK" | "SYP" | "TWD" | "TJS" | "TZS" | "THB" | "XOF" | "TOP" | "TTD" | "TND" | "TRL" | "TMM" | "UGX" | "UAH" | "AED" | "GBP" | "USS" | "USN" | "UYU" | "UZS" | "VUV" | "VEB" | "VND" | "MAD" | "YER" | "YUM" | "ZMK" | "ZWD" | "ATS" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Group1MaxFlatShippingCost" type="ns:AmountType"/>

ns:AmountType, simple content
Returns the applicable max cap per shipping cost for shipping service group2.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include Group2MaxFlatShippingCost.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("AFA" | "ALL" | "DZD" | "ADP" | "AOA" | "ARS" | "AMD" | "AWG" | "AZM" | "BSD" | "BHD" | "BDT" | "BBD" | "BYR" | "BZD" | "BMD" | "BTN" | "INR" | "BOV" | "BOB" | "BAM" | "BWP" | "BRL" | "BND" | "BGL" | "BGN" | "BIF" | "KHR" | "CAD" | "CVE" | "KYD" | "XAF" | "CLF" | "CLP" | "CNY" | "COP" | "KMF" | "CDF" | "CRC" | "HRK" | "CUP" | "CYP" | "CZK" | "DKK" | "DJF" | "DOP" | "TPE" | "ECV" | "ECS" | "EGP" | "SVC" | "ERN" | "EEK" | "ETB" | "FKP" | "FJD" | "GMD" | "GEL" | "GHC" | "GIP" | "GTQ" | "GNF" | "GWP" | "GYD" | "HTG" | "HNL" | "HKD" | "HUF" | "ISK" | "IDR" | "IRR" | "IQD" | "ILS" | "JMD" | "JPY" | "JOD" | "KZT" | "KES" | "AUD" | "KPW" | "KRW" | "KWD" | "KGS" | "LAK" | "LVL" | "LBP" | "LSL" | "LRD" | "LYD" | "CHF" | "LTL" | "MOP" | "MKD" | "MGF" | "MWK" | "MYR" | "MVR" | "MTL" | "EUR" | "MRO" | "MUR" | "MXN" | "MXV" | "MDL" | "MNT" | "XCD" | "MZM" | "MMK" | "ZAR" | "NAD" | "NPR" | "ANG" | "XPF" | "NZD" | "NIO" | "NGN" | "NOK" | "OMR" | "PKR" | "PAB" | "PGK" | "PYG" | "PEN" | "PHP" | "PLN" | "USD" | "QAR" | "ROL" | "RUB" | "RUR" | "RWF" | "SHP" | "WST" | "STD" | "SAR" | "SCR" | "SLL" | "SGD" | "SKK" | "SIT" | "SBD" | "SOS" | "LKR" | "SDD" | "SRG" | "SZL" | "SEK" | "SYP" | "TWD" | "TJS" | "TZS" | "THB" | "XOF" | "TOP" | "TTD" | "TND" | "TRL" | "TMM" | "UGX" | "UAH" | "AED" | "GBP" | "USS" | "USN" | "UYU" | "UZS" | "VUV" | "VEB" | "VND" | "MAD" | "YER" | "YUM" | "ZMK" | "ZWD" | "ATS" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Group2MaxFlatShippingCost" type="ns:AmountType"/>

ns:AmountType, simple content
Returns the applicable max cap per shipping cost for shipping service group3.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include Group3MaxFlatShippingCost.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("AFA" | "ALL" | "DZD" | "ADP" | "AOA" | "ARS" | "AMD" | "AWG" | "AZM" | "BSD" | "BHD" | "BDT" | "BBD" | "BYR" | "BZD" | "BMD" | "BTN" | "INR" | "BOV" | "BOB" | "BAM" | "BWP" | "BRL" | "BND" | "BGL" | "BGN" | "BIF" | "KHR" | "CAD" | "CVE" | "KYD" | "XAF" | "CLF" | "CLP" | "CNY" | "COP" | "KMF" | "CDF" | "CRC" | "HRK" | "CUP" | "CYP" | "CZK" | "DKK" | "DJF" | "DOP" | "TPE" | "ECV" | "ECS" | "EGP" | "SVC" | "ERN" | "EEK" | "ETB" | "FKP" | "FJD" | "GMD" | "GEL" | "GHC" | "GIP" | "GTQ" | "GNF" | "GWP" | "GYD" | "HTG" | "HNL" | "HKD" | "HUF" | "ISK" | "IDR" | "IRR" | "IQD" | "ILS" | "JMD" | "JPY" | "JOD" | "KZT" | "KES" | "AUD" | "KPW" | "KRW" | "KWD" | "KGS" | "LAK" | "LVL" | "LBP" | "LSL" | "LRD" | "LYD" | "CHF" | "LTL" | "MOP" | "MKD" | "MGF" | "MWK" | "MYR" | "MVR" | "MTL" | "EUR" | "MRO" | "MUR" | "MXN" | "MXV" | "MDL" | "MNT" | "XCD" | "MZM" | "MMK" | "ZAR" | "NAD" | "NPR" | "ANG" | "XPF" | "NZD" | "NIO" | "NGN" | "NOK" | "OMR" | "PKR" | "PAB" | "PGK" | "PYG" | "PEN" | "PHP" | "PLN" | "USD" | "QAR" | "ROL" | "RUB" | "RUR" | "RWF" | "SHP" | "WST" | "STD" | "SAR" | "SCR" | "SLL" | "SGD" | "SKK" | "SIT" | "SBD" | "SOS" | "LKR" | "SDD" | "SRG" | "SZL" | "SEK" | "SYP" | "TWD" | "TJS" | "TZS" | "THB" | "XOF" | "TOP" | "TTD" | "TND" | "TRL" | "TMM" | "UGX" | "UAH" | "AED" | "GBP" | "USS" | "USN" | "UYU" | "UZS" | "VUV" | "VEB" | "VND" | "MAD" | "YER" | "YUM" | "ZMK" | "ZWD" | "ATS" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Group3MaxFlatShippingCost" type="ns:AmountType"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates if a seller's stated handling time is enabled for a category. A handling time is generally needed for items that are shipped to the buyer, but not necessarily applicable to freight shipping or local pickup.

The handling time is the maximum number of business days the seller commits to for preparing an item to be shipped after receiving a cleared payment. The seller's handling time does not include the shipping time (the carrier's transit time).
For a list of the handling time values allowed for each site, use DispatchTimeMaxDetails in GeteBayDetails.

Note: Although the field name ends with "Enabled", a value of true means that a handling time is NOT supported, and value of false means that a handling time IS supported.
Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include HandlingTimeEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="HandlingTimeEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether or not it is possible to enhance a listing by putting it into a rotation for display on a special area of the eBay home page. Support for this feature varies by site. Item or feedback restrictions may apply.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include HomePageFeaturedEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="HomePageFeaturedEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

Note: This field is deprecated since it is only applicable to the eBay India site, and this marketplace is no longer available. Indicates the escrow workflow version that applies to the category on the India site: Default Workflow, Workflow A or Workflow B.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include INEscrowWorkflowTimeline.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
Default Escrow timelines apply.
Special Escrow timelines for Workflow A applies.
Special Escrow timelines for Workflow B applies.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="INEscrowWorkflowTimeline" type="ns:INEscrowWorkflowTimelineCodeType"/>

In US, sellers can offer an item replacement for returns, in addition to offering money back returns. The values returned in this field indicate the availability of such options for the given marketplace and category.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated category, which indicates that items listed in the category must include a return policy. The values returned in this field are valid in AddItem and its related family of calls, and in the return policies you configure for use with the Account and Business Policies Management APIs.

Note: In May 2018, eBay added the ability to create a separate international return policy for items that are shipped to international customers. If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead. For more information on setting separate domestic and international return policies, see the International returns policy help topic.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)

The values returned in this field indicate whether or not the seller can offer international returns.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated category, which indicates that items listed in the category must include a return policy. The values returned in this field are valid in AddItem and its related family of calls, and in the return policies you configure for use with the Account and Business Policies Management APIs.

Note: In May 2018, eBay added the ability to create a separate international return policy for items that are shipped to international customers. If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead. For more information on setting separate domestic and international return policies, see the International returns policy help topic.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)

The values returned in this field indicate the return duration options that are available for international returns for items listed in the associated marketplace and category.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated category, which indicates that items listed in the category must include a return policy. The values returned in this field are valid in AddItem and its related family of calls, and in the return policies you configure for use with the Account and Business Policies Management APIs.

Note: In May 2018, eBay added the ability to create a separate international return policy for items that are shipped to international customers. If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead. For more information on setting separate domestic and international return policies, see the International returns policy help topic.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)

The values returned in this field indicate the available options for who pays the return shipping for international returns. Possible values are BUYER and SELLER.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated category, which indicates that items listed in the category must include a return policy. The values returned in this field are valid in AddItem and its related family of calls, and in the return policies you configure for use with the Account and Business Policies Management APIs.

Note: In May 2018, eBay added the ability to create a separate international return policy for items that are shipped to international customers. If a seller does not add a separate international return policy, the settings in the domestic return policy will be used instead. For more information on setting separate domestic and international return policies, see the International returns policy help topic.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)

Indicates whether or not International Standard Book Numbers (ISBNs) are supported/required when listing products in the category. A value of Disabled indicates that ISBNs cannot be used for the category, a value of Enabled indicates that ISBNs can be used for the category, and a value of Required indicates that an ISBN is required when listing a product in this category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ISBNEnabled.

Note: It is recommended that sellers always use GetCategoryFeatures to see if an eBay category requires a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) or a Brand/MPN combination. So, that means that they should look for ISBNEnabled, EANEnabled, UPCEnabled, and BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled at the category level in the GetCategoryFeatures response.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) may not be used to help create a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) do not support the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category does not support the use of product identifiers.
This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) may be used to help create a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) support the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category supports the use of product identifiers.
This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) is required when creating a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) require the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category requires the use of product identifiers when creating a listing.
This value is for future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ISBNEnabled" type="ns:ProductIdentiferEnabledCodeType"/>

Indicates whether the category supports parts compatibility by application (ByApplication), by specification (BySpecification), or not at all (Disabled). Categories cannot support both types of parts compatibility.

Parts Compatibility is supported in limited Parts & Accessories categories for the eBay Motors (US) site (site ID 100) only.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include CompatibilityEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
Parts Compatibility is not supported for the given category.
Parts Compatibility may be entered by application only for the given category. Entering parts compatibility by application specifies the assemblies (e.g., a specific year, make, and model of car) to which the item applies. Parts compatibility by application can be specified by listing with a catalog product that supports parts compatibility or by specifying parts compatibility by application manually ( Item.ItemCompatibilityList).
Parts Compatibility may be entered by specification only for the given category. Entering parts compatibility by specification involves specifying the part's relevant dimensions or characteristics (e.g., Section Width, Aspect Ratio, Rim Diammeter, Load Index, and Speed Rating values for a tire) using attributes.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ItemCompatibilityEnabled" type="ns:ItemCompatibilityEnabledCodeType"/>

Indicates whether the category supports the use of Item Specifics in listings. If enabled, sellers can use the Item.ItemSpecifics node in Add/Revise/Relist calls to specify Item Specific name-value pairs.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ItemSpecificsEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
This enumeration value indicates that the seller may not use Item Specifics for the specified eBay marketplace or corresponding category.
This enumeration value indicates that the seller may use Item Specifics for the specified eBay marketplace or corresponding category.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ItemSpecificsEnabled" type="ns:ItemSpecificsEnabledCodeType"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field is returned as true if the category supports the use of a K Type vehicle number in an Add/Revise/Relist API call to identify which cars and/or trucks are compatible with a motor vehicle part or accessory. K type vehicle numbers can only be used to identify cars and trucks on the Germany site.

For more information on using a K Type vehicle number to identify a compatible car or truck through an Add/Revise/Relist API call on the Germany site, see the documentation for the Compatibility.NameValueList container.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include KTypeSupported.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="KTypeSupported" type="xs:boolean"/>

A ListingDuration field is returned for each listing type and listing duration combination that is supported for the category. The integer value indicates the number of days of the listing duration, and the type attribute identifies the supported listing type.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ListingDurations.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("Unknown" | "Chinese" | "Dutch" | "Live" | "Auction" | "AdType" | "StoresFixedPrice" | "PersonalOffer" | "FixedPriceItem" | "Half" | "LeadGeneration" | "Express" | "Shopping" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:int }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="ListingDuration" type="ns:ListingDurationReferenceType"/>

Specifies whether this category supports Motor Local Market Classified Ad listings. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketAdFormatEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
This value indicates that the Classified Ad format feature is disabled for the site or category.
This value indicates that the Classified Ad format feature is enabled for the site or category.
This value indicates that the Classified Ad format is the only listing type supported by the eBay category. This value is not applicable at the eBay site level.
This value indicates that the lead-generation Classified Ad format feature is enabled for the site or category.
This value indicates that the lead-generation Classified Ad format is the only listing type supported by the eBay category. This value is not applicable at the eBay site level.
This value indicates that eBay Motors Local Market listings are enabled for the site or category.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketAdFormatEnabled" type="ns:AdFormatEnabledCodeType"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Specifies whether this category supports auto-accept for Best Offers for Motors Local Market Classified Ads. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketAutoAcceptEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketAutoAcceptEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Specifies whether this category supports auto-decline for Best Offers for Motors Local Market Classified Ads. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketAutoDeclineEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketAutoDeclineEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

Indicates if Best Offer is enabled/required for Motors Local Market Classified Ad listings in this category. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketBestOfferEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is disabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field), or disabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field).
This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is enabled for all/most of a site's categories (if returned in the SiteDefaults.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field), or enabled for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field).
This value indicates that Classified Ad Best Offer feature is required for a specific category (if returned in the Category.ClassifiedAdBestOfferEnabled field). This value is not applicable at the site level (SiteDefaults container).
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports including a company name in the seller's contact information. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketCompanyNameEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketCompanyNameEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether this category supports including the address in the seller's contact information. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketContactByAddressEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketContactByAddressEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports including an email address in the seller's contact information. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketContactByEmailEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketContactByEmailEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether this category supports including the telephone in the seller's contact information. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketContactByPhoneEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketContactByPhoneEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether counter offers are allowed on Best Offers for this category for Motors Local Market Classified Ad listings. This element is for Local market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketCounterOfferEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketCounterOfferEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports a seller creating a Motors Local Market listing without a subscription. This feature is only available to licensed vehicle dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketNonSubscription.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketNonSubscription" type="xs:boolean"/>

Indicates if the payment method should be displayed to the user for this category in an Motors Local Market Classified Ad listing. Even if enabled, checkout may or may not be enabled. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketPaymentMethodCheckOutEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
Display the payment method and permit checkout.
Display the payment method and suppress checkout.
Do not display the payment method.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)

xs:int, predefined, simple content
Indicates which telephone option is enabled for the seller's contact information. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketContactByPhoneEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:int }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketPhoneCount" type="xs:int"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports the Premium level subscription Motors Local Market listings. This feature is only available to licensed vehicle dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketPremiumSubscription.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketPremiumSubscription" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports the Regular level subscription to Motors Local Market listings. This feature is only available to licensed vehicle dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketRegularSubscription.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketRegularSubscription" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Specifies the whether this category allows seller-level contact information for Motors Local Market Classified Ad listings. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketSellerContactDetailsEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketSellerContactDetailsEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates if shipping methods should be displayed to the user for this category in an Motors Local Market Classified Ad listing. Even if enabled, checkout may or may not be enabled. This element is for Local market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketShippingMethodEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketShippingMethodEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports the Speciality level subscription to Motors Local Market listings. This feature is only available to licensed vehicle dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketSpecialitySubscription.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketSpecialitySubscription" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:int, predefined, simple content
Indicates which address option is enabled for the seller's contact information. This element is for Local Market dealers.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include LocalMarketContactByAddressEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:int }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="LocalMarketStreetCount" type="xs:int"/>

ns:AmountType, simple content
The maximum cost the seller can charge for the first domestic flat-rate shipping service. Mutually exclusive with the GroupNMaxFlatShippingCost elements.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include MaxFlatShippingCost.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
("AFA" | "ALL" | "DZD" | "ADP" | "AOA" | "ARS" | "AMD" | "AWG" | "AZM" | "BSD" | "BHD" | "BDT" | "BBD" | "BYR" | "BZD" | "BMD" | "BTN" | "INR" | "BOV" | "BOB" | "BAM" | "BWP" | "BRL" | "BND" | "BGL" | "BGN" | "BIF" | "KHR" | "CAD" | "CVE" | "KYD" | "XAF" | "CLF" | "CLP" | "CNY" | "COP" | "KMF" | "CDF" | "CRC" | "HRK" | "CUP" | "CYP" | "CZK" | "DKK" | "DJF" | "DOP" | "TPE" | "ECV" | "ECS" | "EGP" | "SVC" | "ERN" | "EEK" | "ETB" | "FKP" | "FJD" | "GMD" | "GEL" | "GHC" | "GIP" | "GTQ" | "GNF" | "GWP" | "GYD" | "HTG" | "HNL" | "HKD" | "HUF" | "ISK" | "IDR" | "IRR" | "IQD" | "ILS" | "JMD" | "JPY" | "JOD" | "KZT" | "KES" | "AUD" | "KPW" | "KRW" | "KWD" | "KGS" | "LAK" | "LVL" | "LBP" | "LSL" | "LRD" | "LYD" | "CHF" | "LTL" | "MOP" | "MKD" | "MGF" | "MWK" | "MYR" | "MVR" | "MTL" | "EUR" | "MRO" | "MUR" | "MXN" | "MXV" | "MDL" | "MNT" | "XCD" | "MZM" | "MMK" | "ZAR" | "NAD" | "NPR" | "ANG" | "XPF" | "NZD" | "NIO" | "NGN" | "NOK" | "OMR" | "PKR" | "PAB" | "PGK" | "PYG" | "PEN" | "PHP" | "PLN" | "USD" | "QAR" | "ROL" | "RUB" | "RUR" | "RWF" | "SHP" | "WST" | "STD" | "SAR" | "SCR" | "SLL" | "SGD" | "SKK" | "SIT" | "SBD" | "SOS" | "LKR" | "SDD" | "SRG" | "SZL" | "SEK" | "SYP" | "TWD" | "TJS" | "TZS" | "THB" | "XOF" | "TOP" | "TTD" | "TND" | "TRL" | "TMM" | "UGX" | "UAH" | "AED" | "GBP" | "USS" | "USN" | "UYU" | "UZS" | "VUV" | "VEB" | "VND" | "MAD" | "YER" | "YUM" | "ZMK" | "ZWD" | "ATS" | "CustomCode")
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MaxFlatShippingCost" type="ns:AmountType"/>

xs:int, predefined, simple content
Indicates the maximum number of compatible applications allowed per item when adding or revising items with compatibilities provided at the most detailed granularity. For example, in Car and Truck Parts on the US site, the most granular application would include Year, Make, Model, Trim, and Engine.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include MaxGranularFitmentCount.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:int }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MaxGranularFitmentCount" type="xs:int"/>

xs:int, predefined, simple content
This field specifies the maximum number of compatible applications allowed per item when adding or revising items. This is relevant for specifying parts compatibility by application manually ( Item.ItemCompatibilityList) only.

Applicable for the US site only.

For DE, UK, and AU sites, this field returns the same value as MaxGranularFitmentCount.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include MaxCompatibleApplications.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:int }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MaxItemCompatibility" type="xs:int"/>

xs:double, predefined, simple content
Indicates the Minimum Reserve Price for an auction listing in this category. If there is no Minimum Reserve Price, a value of 0.0 is returned in this field.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include MinimumReservePrice.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:double }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MinimumReservePrice" type="xs:double"/>

xs:int, predefined, simple content
This field specifies the minimum number of required compatible applications for listing items. A value of "0" indicates it is not mandatory to specify parts compatibilities when listing.

This applies to categories that are enabled for compatibility by application only. Parts compatiblity by application can be specified by listing with a catalog product that supports parts compatibility or by specifying parts compatibility by application manually ( Item.ItemCompatibilityList).

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include MinCompatibleApplications.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:int }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="MinItemCompatibility" type="xs:int"/>

The value in this field indicates whether the category supports Motors Local Market listings if the seller does not have a vehicle subscription.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include NonSubscription.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors National Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors Local Market Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category supports Motors National Listings and Motors Local Market listing for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
Reserved for internal or future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="NonSubscription" type="ns:GeographicExposureCodeType"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Note: This field is deprecated since it is only applicable to the eBay India site, and this marketplace is no longer available. Indicates whether the category supports the PaisaPayEscrow payment method. This feature is only applicable to the India site.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include PaisaPayFullEscrowEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PaisaPayFullEscrowEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

Indicates the acceptable payment methods that can be used when listing an item for sale in the corresponding category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include PaymentMethods.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="PaymentMethod" type="ns:BuyerPaymentMethodCodeType"/>

This field is deprecated.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
This value is not used.
This value is not used.
This value is not used.
This value is not used.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PaymentOptionsGroup" type="ns:PaymentOptionsGroupEnabledCodeType"/>

Indicates the Business Policies category group that may be used for Payment profiles.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include PaymentProfileCategoryGroup.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
Default value.
For Business Policies, the 'ALL' enumeration value represents all eBay categories except for motor vehicles.
For Business Policies, the 'MOTORS_VEHICLE' enumeration value represents all motor vehicle categories.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PaymentProfileCategoryGroup" type="ns:ProfileCategoryGroupCodeType"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
For the Australia site, if both PayPalBuyerProtectionEnabled and BuyerGuaranteeEnabled are returned, then buyer protection is allowed for this category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include PayPalBuyerProtectionEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PayPalBuyerProtectionEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category requires PayPal as a payment method.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include PayPalRequired.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PayPalRequired" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field is deprecated.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PayPalRequiredForStoreOwner" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
A true value in this field indicates that items listed in the category (specified in the Category.CategoryID field) may be enabled with the 'Click and Collect' feature. With the 'Click and Collect' feature, a buyer can purchase certain items on an eBay site and collect them at a local store. Buyers are notified by eBay once their items are available. A false value in this field indicates that items listed in the category are not eligible for the 'Click and Collect' feature.

The 'Click and Collect' feature is only available to large merchants on the eBay UK (site ID - 3), eBay Australia (Site ID - 15), and eBay Germany (Site ID - 77) sites.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include PickupDropOffEnabled.

Note: For Click and Collect eligible sellers, the Click and Collect feature can only be enabled at the account level, and then each of the seller's listings within an Click and Collect enabled category will be automatically evaluated for Click and Collect eligibility.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PickupDropOffEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

The value in this field indicates whether the category supports Motors Local Market listings if the seller has a Premium vehicle subscription.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include PremiumSubscription.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors National Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors Local Market Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category supports Motors National Listings and Motors Local Market listing for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
Reserved for internal or future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="PremiumSubscription" type="ns:GeographicExposureCodeType"/>

Indicates whether a category supports (or requires) the creation of a listing using an eBay Catalog product. To create a listing based on an eBay Catalog product, the seller passed in Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) or eBay Product ID (ePID) value in an Add/Revise/Relist call and then eBay tries to match the product identifier to a product in the eBay Catalog. If a match is found, the listing picks up the details of the eBay Catalog product, including product title, product description, product aspects, primary eBay listing category ID, and links to any product stock photos.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ProductCreationEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
Product creation is not supported for the category. AddItem family calls can still list with product.
Product Creation is supported for the category. AddItem family calls can still list with product but can go through new product creation flow.
Product Creation is required for the category. AddItem family calls have to list with a product. If no product exists can go through new product creation flow.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ProductCreationEnabled" type="ns:ProductCreationEnabledCodeType"/>

This field indicates if the category supports Product-Based Shopping Experience listings (listings associated with eBay catalog products).

Note: Due to the rollback of the Product-Based Shopping Experience mandate for all eBay categories, the value for this field should never get returned as Enabled for any production categories.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
This value indicates that the category does not require product-based listings (associated with an eBay catalog product).

Note: Due to the rollback of the Product-Based Shopping Experience mandate for all eBay categories, this value should get returned for SiteDefaults and all Category nodes.
This value indicates that the category requires listings within the category to be associated with an eBay catalog product.

Note: Due to the rollback of the Product-Based Shopping Experience mandate for all eBay categories, this value should never get returned for SiteDefaults or for any Category nodes.
(out) Reserved for internal or future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ProductRequiredEnabled" type="ns:ProductRequiredEnabledCodeType"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports the Pro Pack Bundle listing upgrade.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ProPack.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ProPackEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports the Pro Pack Plus bundle listing upgrade.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ProPackPlus.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ProPackPlusEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

The value in this field indicates whether the category supports Motors Local Market listings if the seller has a Regular vehicle subscription.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include RegularSubscription.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors National Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors Local Market Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category supports Motors National Listings and Motors Local Market listing for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
Reserved for internal or future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="RegularSubscription" type="ns:GeographicExposureCodeType"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
In some EU countries, sellers are legally required to describe the return policy they offer. The value returned by this field indicates if sellers can provide such a description within the given marketplace and category.

The values returned in this field are pertinent only if ReturnPolicyEnabled in GetCategoryFeatures is set to true for the associated category, which indicates that items listed in the category must include a return policy. The values returned in this field are valid in AddItem and its related family of calls, and in the return policies you configure for use with the Account and Business Policies Management APIs.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ReturnPolicyDescriptionEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
For most sites: If true, listings in this category require a return policy.

For eBay Australia (AU) and US eBay Motors Parts and Accessories: If true, the category supports but does not require a return policy.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ReturnPolicyEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ReturnPolicyEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

Indicates the Business Policies category group that may be used for Return Policy profiles.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ReturnPolicyProfileCategoryGroup.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
Default value.
For Business Policies, the 'ALL' enumeration value represents all eBay categories except for motor vehicles.
For Business Policies, the 'MOTORS_VEHICLE' enumeration value represents all motor vehicle categories.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ReturnPolicyProfileCategoryGroup" type="ns:ProfileCategoryGroupCodeType"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates if the category allows the seller to revise the price of a fixed-price listing.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include RevisePriceAllowed.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="RevisePriceAllowed" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates if the category allows the seller to revise the quantity of a multi-quantity, active listing.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ReviseQuantityAllowed.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ReviseQuantityAllowed" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether listings in this category need to have a safe payment method.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include SafePaymentRequired.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SafePaymentRequired" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether this category supports seller-level contact information for Classified Ad listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include SellerContactDetailsEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SellerContactDetailsEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field is returned as true if the corresponding category supports the use of a seller-provided title for a motor vehicle listing on the US or Canada Motors marketplaces. A seller-provided title is a descriptive title, given by the seller, that appears below eBay's pre-filled listing title for the motor vehicle. Visually, the seller-provided title is similar to a subtitle on other types of eBay listings (non-vehicle). A seller-provided title can assist in helping buyers discover the vehicle.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SellerProvidedTitleSupported" type="xs:boolean"/>

Indicates the Business Policies category group that may be used for Shipping profiles.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ShippingProfileCategoryGroup.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
Default value.
For Business Policies, the 'ALL' enumeration value represents all eBay categories except for motor vehicles.
For Business Policies, the 'MOTORS_VEHICLE' enumeration value represents all motor vehicle categories.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ShippingProfileCategoryGroup" type="ns:ProfileCategoryGroupCodeType"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category requires sellers to specify shipping details at listing time.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ShippingTermsRequired.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ShippingTermsRequired" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field is deprecated.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SkypeMeNonTransactionalEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field is deprecated.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SkypeMeTransactionalEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

ns:ConditionValuesType, complex content
This container is only returned if the corresponding category supports a special item condition such as Certified Refurbished condition (Condition ID 2000). A seller must be pre-qualified by eBay to list items with the Certified Refurbished condition. All other item conditions supported by a category will be returned in the ConditionValues container instead.

Neither the ConditionValues or the SpecialFeatures containers will be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ConditionValues.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SpecialFeatures" type="ns:ConditionValuesType"/>

The value in this field indicates whether the category supports Motors Local Market listings if the seller has a Specialty vehicle subscription.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include SpecialitySubscription.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors National Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category only supports Motors Local Market Listings for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
If this enumeration value is returned, the eBay site or category supports Motors National Listings and Motors Local Market listing for the corresponding Motors dealer subscription level/type.
Reserved for internal or future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SpecialitySubscription" type="ns:GeographicExposureCodeType"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field is deprecated.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="StoreInventoryEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

Provides additional listings durations that are available to eBay Store owners. The extended listing durations provided here in this element should be merged in with the baseline listing durations provided in the ListingDurations element. Applies to fixed-price Listings.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurations.
Component Diagram
XML Representation Summary
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates if an eBay Store owner gets extended listing durations in a given category. When the value of this element is true, it means the listing duration values defined in StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurations are applicable to fixed-price listings in a given category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="StoreOwnerExtendedListingDurationsEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the Transaction Confirmation Request feature is supported for this category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="TransactionConfirmationRequestEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

Indicates whether or not Universal Product Codes (UPCs) are supported/required when listing products in the category. A value of Disabled indicates that UPCs cannot be used for the category, a value of Enabled indicates that UPCs can be used for the category, and a value of Required indicates that a UPC is required when listing a product in this category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include UPCEnabled.

Note: It is recommended that sellers always use GetCategoryFeatures to see if an eBay category requires a Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) or a Brand/MPN combination. So, that means that they should look for UPCEnabled, ISBNEnabled, EANEnabled, and BrandMPNIdentifierEnabled at the category level in the GetCategoryFeatures response.
XML Representation Summary
{ enumeration of xs:token }
Simple Content
This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) may not be used to help create a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) do not support the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category does not support the use of product identifiers.
This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) may be used to help create a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) support the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category supports the use of product identifiers.
This enumeration value indicates that a product identifier (EAN, ISBN, UPC) is required when creating a listing. If returned at the site level (SiteDefaults container), most categories on the site (specified in the X-EBAY-API-SITEID) require the use of product identifiers. If returned at the category level (Category nodes), that specific category requires the use of product identifiers when creating a listing.
This value is for future use.
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="UPCEnabled" type="ns:ProductIdentiferEnabledCodeType"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether a bidder must consent to the bid by confirming that he or she read and agrees to the terms in eBay's privacy policy.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include UserConsentRequired.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="UserConsentRequired" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Some eBay sites may select a few categories and designate them as "value categories". These are typically selected from categories where buyers can find great deals. (Not all categories with great deals are designated as value categories.) This designation can change over time.

While a category is designated as a value category (i.e., when ValueCategory is true), it is subject to the following rule: Items in value categories can only be listed in one category.

For example, if you attempt to list in two categories and the primary category or secondary category is a value category, then eBay drops the secondary category and lists the item in the primary category only. Similarly, if you attempt to add a secondary category to an existing listing, or you change the category for an existing listing, and if the primary or secondary category is a value category, then eBay drops the secondary category.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ValueCategory.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ValueCategory" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
Indicates whether the category supports the Value Pack bundle listing upgrade.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include ValuePack.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="ValuePackEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
If true, you can pass in Item.Variations in an Add/Revise/Relist fixed-price item call when you list in this category.

Multi-variation listings contain items that are logically the same product, but that vary in their manufacturing details or packaging. For example, a particular brand and style of shirt could be available in different sizes and colors, such as "large blue" and "medium black" variations.

Only returned when this value (or this category's setting) overrides the value inherited from the category's parent or the site default. Will not be returned if one or more FeatureID values are used in the call request, and one of those values does not include VariationsEnabled.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="VariationsEnabled" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field is deprecated.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="VINSupported" type="xs:boolean"/>

xs:boolean, predefined, simple content
This field is deprecated.
XML Representation Summary
{ xs:boolean }
XML Source (w/o annotations (1); see within schema source)
<xs:element minOccurs="0" name="VRMSupported" type="xs:boolean"/>

{any element from any namespace}
XML Source (see within schema source)
<xs:any maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" processContents="lax"/>

eBay Trading API

WSDL documentation generated with FlexDoc/XML 1.13 using FlexDoc/XML WSDLDoc 1.2.5 template set. All XSD diagrams generated by FlexDoc/XML DiagramKit.