eBay Trading API

Service "ns:eBayAPIInterfaceService"
XML Source (w/o documentations (1); see within WSDL source)
<wsdl:service name="eBayAPIInterfaceService">
<wsdl:port binding="ns:eBayAPISoapBinding" name="eBayAPI">
<wsdlsoap:address location=""/>
Port Detail
Port Type:
Extensibility Elements:
<wsdlsoap:address location=""/>
AddDispute - Enables a seller to create an Unpaid Item case against a buyer.
AddDisputeResponse - This call enables the seller to respond to an Item Not Received (INR) dispute opened by a buyer through PayPal's Purchase Protection program, or to update an Unpaid Item case.
AddFixedPriceItem - This call allows a seller to create and publish a fixed-price listing.
AddItem - Base request type for the AddItem call, which is used to create a fixed-price, auction, or classified ad listing.
AddItems - Base request type for the AddItems call, which is used to create one to five fixed-price, auction, or classified ad listings.
AddMemberMessageAAQToPartner - Enables a buyer and seller in an order relationship to send messages to each other's My Messages Inboxes.
AddMemberMessageRTQ - The base request of the AddMemberMessageRTQ call that enables a seller to reply to a question about an active item listing.
AddMemberMessagesAAQToBidder - The base request of the AddMemberMessagesAAQToBidder call, which allows a seller to send up to 10 messages to bidders/potential buyers regarding an active listing.
AddOrder - The AddOrder call can be used by a seller to combine two or more unpaid, single line item orders from the same buyer into one 'Combined Invoice' order with multiple line items.
AddSecondChanceItem - Used by the seller of an auction listing to provide a Second Chance Offer to one of that auction item's non-winning bidders.
AddToItemDescription - The base request of the AddToItemDescription call, which is used to add additional text to an active listing's item description.
AddToWatchList - Adds one or more order line items to the eBay user's Watch List.
AddTransactionConfirmationItem - Base request of the AddTransactionConfirmationItem call, which is used to end an eBay Motors listing and creates a new Transaction Confirmation Request (TCR) for the motor vehichle, thus enabling the TCR recipient to purchase the item.
CompleteSale - Enables a seller to perform various tasks with a single or multiple line item order.
ConfirmIdentity - Returns the ID of a user who has gone through an application's consent flow process for obtaining an authorization token.
DeleteMyMessages - Removes selected messages for a given user.
DisableUnpaidItemAssistance - Enables a seller who has opted into the automated Unpaid Item Assistant mechanism to disable the Unpaid Item Assistant at the order line item level.
EndFixedPriceItem - Ends the specified fixed-price listing before the date and time at which it would normally end (per the listing duration).
EndItem - Ends the specified item listing before the date and time at which it would normally end per the listing duration.
EndItems - The EndItems call is used to end up to 10 specified eBay listings before the date and time at which those listings would normally end per the listing duration.
ExtendSiteHostedPictures - By default, unpublished pictures uploaded to eBay Picture Services (EPS) via the UploadSiteHostedPictures call will be kept on the server for five days before being purged.
FetchToken - Retrieves an authentication token for a user.
GetAccount - Returns a seller's invoice data for their eBay account, including the account's summary data.
GetAdFormatLeads - Retrieves sales lead information for a lead generation listing.
GetAllBidders - This is the base request type for the GetAllBidders call, which is used to retrieve bidders from an active or recently-ended auction listing.
GetApiAccessRules - The base request type for the GetApiAccessRules call, which returns details on how many calls your application has made and is allowed to make per hour or day.
GetBestOffers - This is the base request type of the GetBestOffers call.
GetBidderList - Retrieves all items that the user is currently bidding on, and the ones they have won or purchased.
GetCategories - Retrieves the latest eBay category hierarchy for a given eBay site.
GetCategoryFeatures - Returns information about the features that are applicable to different categories, such as listing durations, shipping term requirements, and Best Offer support.
GetCategoryMappings - Retrieves a map of old category IDs and corresponding active category IDs defined for the site to which the request is sent.
GetCategorySpecifics - This is the base request type for the GetCategorySpecifics call.
GetChallengeToken - This is the base request type for the GetChallengeToken call.
GetCharities - The GetCharities call is used to search for nonprofit organizations that are registered with the eBay for Charity program.
GetClientAlertsAuthToken - This is the base request type for the GetClientAlertsAuthToken call.
GetContextualKeywords - Retrieves top-ranked contextual eBay keywords and categories for a specified web page.
GetDescriptionTemplates - Retrieves Listing Designer templates that are available for use by the seller.
GetDispute - This is the base request type for the GetDispute call.
GetFeedback - Retrieves one, many, or all Feedback records for a specific eBay user.
GetItem - The GetItem call returns listing data such as title, description, price information, user information, and so on, for the specified ItemID.
GetItemShipping - This is the base request type of the GetItemShipping call.
GetItemTransactions - This call retrieves details on one or more order line items for a specified eBay listing.
GetItemsAwaitingFeedback - This is the base request type of the GetItemsAwaitingFeedback call.
GetMemberMessages - Retrieves a list of the messages buyers have posted about your active item listings.
GetMessagePreferences - Returns a seller's Ask Seller a Question (ASQ) subjects, each in its own Subject field.
GetMyMessages - Retrieves information about the messages sent to a given user.
GetMyeBayBuying - Retrieves information regarding a user's buying activity, such as items they are watching, bidding on, have won, did not win, and have made Best Offers on.
GetMyeBayReminders - This is the base request type of the GetMyeBayReminders call.
GetMyeBaySelling - Retrieves information regarding the user's selling activity, such as items that the user is currently selling (the Active list), auction listings that have bids, sold items, and unsold items.
GetNotificationPreferences - Retrieves the requesting application's notification preferences.
GetNotificationsUsage - Retrieves usage information about platform notifications for a given application.
GetOrderTransactions - The base request type for the GetOrderTransactions call.
GetOrders - Retrieves the orders for which the authenticated user is a participant, either as the buyer or the seller.
GetSellerDashboard - The base request type for the GetSellerDashboard call.
GetSellerEvents - This call is used by a seller to retrieve changes to their own listings that have occurred within the last 48 hours, including price changes, available quantity, and other revisions to listing.
GetSellerList - This call is used to retrieve an array of listings for the seller.
GetSellerTransactions - Retrieves a seller's order line item information.
GetSessionID - Retrieves a session ID that identifies a user and your application when you make a FetchToken request.
GetShippingDiscountProfiles - This call retrieves all shipping discount profiles currently defined by the user, along with other Combined Invoice-related details such as packaging and handling costs.
GetStore - This call is used to retrieve detailed information on a seller's eBay Store, including store theme information and eBay Store category hierarchy.
GetStoreCategoryUpdateStatus - This call is used to retrieve the status of an eBay Store Category hierarchy change that was made with a SetStoreCategories call.
GetStoreCustomPage - This call is used to retrieve a specific custom page or all custom pages created for a seller's eBay Store.
GetStoreOptions - This call is used to retrieve the current list of eBay Store configuration settings.
GetStorePreferences - This call is used to retrieve an eBay seller's Store preferences.
GetSuggestedCategories - This call returns a list of up to 10 eBay categories that have the highest percentage of listings whose listing titles or descriptions contain the keywords you specify.
GetTaxTable - The base request type of the GetTaxTable call, which retrieves information on the seller's Sales Tax Table.
GetTokenStatus - This call is used to get the current status of a user token.
GetUser - Retrieves data pertaining to a single eBay user.
GetUserContactDetails - This call is used to retrieve contact information for a specified eBay user, given that a bidding relationship (as either a buyer or seller) exists between the caller and the user.
GetUserDisputes - Requests a list of disputes the requester is involved in as buyer or seller. eBay Money Back Guarantee Item Not Received and Return cases are not returned with this call.
GetUserPreferences - Retrieves the specified user preferences for the authenticated caller.
GetVeROReasonCodeDetails - Retrieves details for VeRO reason codes and their descriptions.
GetVeROReportStatus - Retrieves status information about VeRO reported items you have submitted.
GeteBayDetails - This is the base request type for the GeteBayDetails call.
GeteBayOfficialTime - Gets the official eBay system time in GMT.
LeaveFeedback - Enables a buyer and seller to leave Feedback for their order partner at the conclusion of a successful order.
PlaceOffer - Enables the authenticated user to to make a bid on an auction item, propose a Best Offer, or purchase a fixed-price/Buy It Now item.
RelistFixedPriceItem - Enables a seller to relist a fixed-price listing that has recently ended on a specified eBay site.
RelistItem - Enables a seller to relist a listing that has recently ended on a specified eBay site.
RemoveFromWatchList - The call enables a user to remove one or more items from their Watch List.
RespondToBestOffer - This call enables the seller to accept or decline a buyer's Best Offer on an item, or make a counter offer to the buyer's Best Offer.
RespondToFeedback - Enables a seller to reply to Feedback that has been left for a user, or to post a follow-up comment to a Feedback comment the user has left for someone else.
ReviseCheckoutStatus - Enables a seller to update the payment details, the shipping details, and the status of an order.
ReviseFixedPriceItem - Enables a seller to revise a fixed-price listing on a specified eBay site.
ReviseInventoryStatus - Enables a seller to change the price and/or quantity of one to four active, fixed-price listings.
ReviseItem - Enables a seller to revise a listing on a specified eBay site.
ReviseMyMessages - This call can be used to mark one or more messages as 'Read', to flag one or more messages, and/or to move one or more messages to another My Messages folder.
ReviseMyMessagesFolders - This call can be used to add, remove, or rename a custom folder in My eBay Messages.
RevokeToken - Revokes a token before it would otherwise expire.
SellerReverseDispute - Enables a seller to "reverse" an Unpaid Item dispute that has been closed in case the buyer and seller are able to reach a mutual agreement.
SendInvoice - Enables a seller to send an order invoice to a buyer.
SetMessagePreferences - Enables a seller to add custom Ask Seller a Question (ASQ) subjects to their Ask a Question page, or to reset any custom subjects to their default values.
SetNotificationPreferences - Manages notification and alert preferences for applications and users.
SetShippingDiscountProfiles - This call enables a seller to create and manage shipping discounts rules.
SetStore - This call is used to set/modify the configuration of a seller's eBay Store.
SetStoreCategories - This call allows you to set or modify the category structure of an eBay Store.
SetStoreCustomPage - Creates or updates a custom page on a user's eBay Store.
SetStorePreferences - Sets the preferences for a user's eBay Store.
SetTaxTable - This call allows you to add or modify sales tax rates for one or more tax jurisdictions within the specified site.
SetUserNotes - Enables users to add, modify, or delete a pinned note for any item that is being tracked in the My eBay All Selling and All Buying areas.
SetUserPreferences - This call allows an eBay user to set/modify numerous seller account preferences.
UploadSiteHostedPictures - Uploads a picture to the eBay Picture Service and returns a URL of the picture.
ValidateChallengeInput - Validates the user response to a GetChallengeToken botblock challenge.
ValidateTestUserRegistration - Requests to enable a test user to sell items in the Sandbox environment.
VeROReportItems - Reports items that allegedly infringe your copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights.
VerifyAddFixedPriceItem - Enables a seller to test the definition of a new fixed-price listing by submitting the definition to eBay without creating an actual listing.
VerifyAddItem - Enables a seller to specify the definition of a new item and submit the definition to eBay without creating a listing.
VerifyAddSecondChanceItem - Simulates the creation of a new Second Chance Offer listing of an item without actually creating a listing.
VerifyRelistItem - Enable the seller to verify that the data they plan to pass into a RelistItem call will produce the results that you are expecting, including a successful call with no errors.

eBay Trading API

WSDL documentation generated with FlexDoc/XML 1.13 using FlexDoc/XML WSDLDoc 1.2.5 template set. All XSD diagrams generated by FlexDoc/XML DiagramKit.