Package <default>
Diagram Summary
<default> Package Diagram: associated with this package
Class Summary
TestApplet The sample applet that collects a report and submits it through the Web.
TestAWTControls A frame that contains various AWT components.
TestDialog This example shows AWT Dialog.
TestFrame This is an example of AWT Frame.
TestJDialog This is an example of SWING Dialog
TestJFrame This is an example of SWING frame.
TestJInternalFrame This is an example of SWING Internal frame.
TestLayouts This frame contains several Containers with various Layout Managers installed.
TestSwingControls A frame that contains various SWING components.
User Interface Summary
TestApplet The sample applet that collects a report and submits it through the Web.
TestAWTControls A frame that contains various AWT components.
TestDialog This example shows AWT Dialog.
TestFrame This is an example of AWT Frame.
TestJDialog This is an example of SWING Dialog
TestJFrame This is an example of SWING frame.
TestJInternalFrame This is an example of SWING Internal frame.
TestLayouts This frame contains several Containers with various Layout Managers installed.
TestSwingControls A frame that contains various SWING components.