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Uses of Interface
Packages that use Catalog
Provides the classes for implementing XML Catalogs OASIS Standard V1.1, 7 October 2005.
Methods in javax.xml.catalog that return Catalog
static Catalog
CatalogManager.catalog(CatalogFeatures features, URI... uris)
Creates a Catalog object using the specified feature settings and uri(s) to one or more catalog files.
Methods in javax.xml.catalog that return types with arguments of type Catalog
Returns a sequential Stream of alternative Catalogs specified using the nextCatalog entries in the current catalog, and as the input of catalog files excluding the current catalog (that is, the first in the input list) when the Catalog object is created by the CatalogManager.
Methods in javax.xml.catalog with parameters of type Catalog
CatalogManager.catalogResolver(Catalog catalog)
Creates an instance of a CatalogResolver using the specified catalog.

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FlexDoc/Javadoc 2.0
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Java API documentation generated with FlexDoc/Javadoc 2.0 using JavadocClassic 3.0 template set.
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