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Uses of Class
Packages that use GroupLayout.SequentialGroup
Provides a set of "lightweight" (all-Java language) components that, to the maximum degree possible, work the same on all platforms.
Creates and returns a SequentialGroup.
GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addComponent(boolean useAsBaseline, Component component)
Adds a Component to this Group.
GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addComponent(boolean useAsBaseline, Component component, int min, int pref, int max)
Adds a Component to this Group with the specified size.
GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addComponent(Component component)
Adds a Component to this Group.
GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addComponent(Component component, int min, int pref, int max)
Adds a Component to this Group with the specified size.
Adds an element representing the preferred gap between an edge the container and components that touch the border of the container.
GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addContainerGap(int pref, int max)
Adds an element representing the preferred gap between one edge of the container and the next or previous Component with the specified size.
GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addGap(int min, int pref, int max)
Adds a gap to this Group with the specified size.
GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addGap(int size)
Adds a rigid gap to this Group.
GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addGroup(boolean useAsBaseline, GroupLayout.Group group)
Adds a Group to this Group.
GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addGroup(GroupLayout.Group group)
Adds a Group to this Group.
GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addPreferredGap(JComponent comp1, JComponent comp2, LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement type)
Adds an element representing the preferred gap between two components.
GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addPreferredGap(JComponent comp1, JComponent comp2, LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement type, int pref, int max)
Adds an element representing the preferred gap between two components.
GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addPreferredGap(LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement type)
Adds an element representing the preferred gap between the nearest components.
GroupLayout.SequentialGroup.addPreferredGap(LayoutStyle.ComponentPlacement type, int pref, int max)
Adds an element representing the preferred gap between the nearest components.

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FlexDoc/Javadoc 2.0
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Java API documentation generated with FlexDoc/Javadoc 2.0 using JavadocClassic 3.0 template set.
FlexDoc/Javadoc is a template-driven programming tool for rapid development of any Javadoc-based Java API documentation generators (i.e. doclets). If you need to customize your Javadoc without writing a full-blown doclet from scratch, FlexDoc/Javadoc may be the only tool able to help you! Find out more at