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Uses of Enum
Packages that use Locale.FilteringMode
Contains the collections framework, some internationalization support classes, a service loader, properties, random number generation, string parsing and scanning classes, base64 encoding and decoding, a bit array, and several miscellaneous utility classes.
Class declarations in java.util with type arguments of type Locale.FilteringMode
static enum
This enum provides constants to select a filtering mode for locale matching.
Fields in java.util declared as Locale.FilteringMode
Specifies automatic filtering mode based on the given Language Priority List consisting of language ranges.
Specifies extended filtering.
Specifies basic filtering: Note that any extended language ranges included in the given Language Priority List are ignored.
Specifies basic filtering: If any extended language ranges are included in the given Language Priority List, they are mapped to the basic language range.
Specifies basic filtering: If any extended language ranges are included in the given Language Priority List, the list is rejected and the filtering method throws IllegalArgumentException.
Methods in java.util that return Locale.FilteringMode
Locale.FilteringMode.valueOf(String name)
Methods in java.util with parameters of type Locale.FilteringMode
static List<Locale>
Returns a list of matching Locale instances using the filtering mechanism defined in RFC 4647.
static List<String>
Returns a list of matching languages tags using the basic filtering mechanism defined in RFC 4647.

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FlexDoc/Javadoc 2.0
Demo Java Doc

Java API documentation generated with FlexDoc/Javadoc 2.0 using JavadocClassic 3.0 template set.
FlexDoc/Javadoc is a template-driven programming tool for rapid development of any Javadoc-based Java API documentation generators (i.e. doclets). If you need to customize your Javadoc without writing a full-blown doclet from scratch, FlexDoc/Javadoc may be the only tool able to help you! Find out more at