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Uses of Class
Packages that use RuntimeException
Provides for system input and output through data streams, serialization and the file system.
Provides classes that are fundamental to the design of the Java programming language.
Provides library support for the Java programming language annotation facility.
Contains the collections framework, some internationalization support classes, a service loader, properties, random number generation, string parsing and scanning classes, base64 encoding and decoding, a bit array, and several miscellaneous utility classes.
Utility classes commonly useful in concurrent programming.
Allows developers to provide support for undo/redo in applications such as text editors.
Provides the classes for implementing XML Catalogs OASIS Standard V1.1, 7 October 2005.
Subclasses of RuntimeException in
Wraps an IOException with an unchecked exception.
Subclasses of RuntimeException in java.lang
Thrown when an exceptional arithmetic condition has occurred.
Thrown to indicate that an array has been accessed with an illegal index.
Thrown to indicate that an attempt has been made to store the wrong type of object into an array of objects.
Thrown to indicate that the code has attempted to cast an object to a subclass of which it is not an instance.
Thrown when an application tries to access an enum constant by name and the enum type contains no constant with the specified name.
Thrown to indicate that a method has been passed an illegal or inappropriate argument.
Thrown to indicate that a method has been called by an inappropriate caller.
Thrown to indicate that a thread has attempted to wait on an object's monitor or to notify other threads waiting on an object's monitor without owning the specified monitor.
Signals that a method has been invoked at an illegal or inappropriate time.
Thrown to indicate that a thread is not in an appropriate state for the requested operation.
Thrown to indicate that an index of some sort (such as to an array, to a string, or to a vector) is out of range.
Thrown when creating a module layer fails.
Thrown if an application tries to create an array with negative size.
Thrown when an application attempts to use null in a case where an object is required.
Thrown to indicate that the application has attempted to convert a string to one of the numeric types, but that the string does not have the appropriate format.
Thrown by the security manager to indicate a security violation.
Thrown by String methods to indicate that an index is either negative or greater than the size of the string.
Thrown when an application tries to access a type using a string representing the type's name, but no definition for the type with the specified name can be found.
Thrown to indicate that the requested operation is not supported.
Thrown to indicate that a program has attempted to access an element of an annotation whose type has changed after the annotation was compiled (or serialized).
Thrown to indicate that a program has attempted to access an element of an annotation interface that was added to the annotation interface definition after the annotation was compiled (or serialized).
Subclasses of RuntimeException in java.util
This exception may be thrown by methods that have detected concurrent modification of an object when such modification is not permissible.
Unchecked exception thrown when duplicate flags are provided in the format specifier.
Thrown by methods in the Stack class to indicate that the stack is empty.
Unchecked exception thrown when a conversion and flag are incompatible.
Unchecked exception thrown when the formatter has been closed.
Unchecked exception thrown when a character with an invalid Unicode code point as defined by Character.isValidCodePoint(int) is passed to the Formatter.
Unchecked exception thrown when the argument corresponding to the format specifier is of an incompatible type.
Unchecked exception thrown when a format string contains an illegal syntax or a format specifier that is incompatible with the given arguments.
Unchecked exception thrown when an illegal combination flags is given.
Unchecked exception thrown when the precision is a negative value other than -1, the conversion does not support a precision, or the value is otherwise unsupported.
Unchecked exception thrown when the format width is a negative value other than -1 or is otherwise unsupported.
Thrown by methods in Locale and Locale.Builder to indicate that an argument is not a well-formed BCP 47 tag.
Thrown by a Scanner to indicate that the token retrieved does not match the pattern for the expected type, or that the token is out of range for the expected type.
Unchecked exception thrown when there is a format specifier which does not have a corresponding argument or if an argument index refers to an argument that does not exist.
Unchecked exception thrown when the format width is required.
Signals that a resource is missing.
Thrown by various accessor methods to indicate that the element being requested does not exist.
Unchecked exception thrown when an unknown conversion is given.
Unchecked exception thrown when an unknown flag is given.
Exception indicating that the result of a value-producing task, such as a FutureTask, cannot be retrieved because the task was cancelled.
Exception thrown when an error or other exception is encountered in the course of completing a result or task.
Exception thrown by an Executor when a task cannot be accepted for execution.
Thrown when an UndoableEdit is told to redo() and can't.
Thrown when an UndoableEdit is told to undo() and can't.
The exception class handles errors that may happen while processing or using a catalog.

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FlexDoc/Javadoc 2.0
Demo Java Doc

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