DocFlex/Javadoc, Version 1.6.1

Release Notes

Table Of Contents

Package Contents

LICENSE.html DocFlex Software License
README.html this file
CHANGES.html change log of DocFlex/Javadoc
doc/ DocFlex/Javadoc & DocFlex Technology Documentation
*.bat Files prepared for Windows Installation:
  • launches the Template Designer (Java 5 / 6 / 7)
  • the same for Java 1.4
  • starts Javadoc with DocFlex Doclet to generate a demo documentation (Java 5 / 6 / 7)
  • the same for Java 1.4
  • updates your templates according to new DocFlex/Javadoc version or new license
linux/ Files prepared for Linux Installation:
  • shell script file to launch the Template Designer (Java 5 / 6 / 7)
  • the same for Java 1.4
  • shell script to start Javadoc with the DocFlex Doclet and generate a demo (Java 5 / 6 / 7)
  • the same for Java 1.4
  • shell script to update your templates according to new DocFlex/Javadoc version
  • DocFlex main configuration file prepared for Linux
lib/ DocFlex/Javadoc Runtime Environment:
  • Java library compiled for Java 5 / 6 / 7
  • Java library compiled for Java 1.4
  • DocFlex main configuration file prepared for Windows. This file contains locations of other config files and various important settings.
config/ Configuration files (created and updated dynamically):
  • Template Designer configuration file
  • Generator configuration file
templates/ Ready to use template sets supplied with DocFlex/Javadoc
templates/javadoc/ The basic template set, which you can use to generate Java API documentation for any your projects in any of the supported output formats. This is an early version of standard templates provided before v1.6.0. It is able to generate only basic content: project overview, package summaries, class details. All Java 5 language features are fully supported. However, it will equally work under Java 1.4.
  • The template to generate framed HTML documentation
  • The template to generate single file documentation (in RTF or HTML format).
templates/javadoc-1.4/ The reduced variant of basic templates, with all support of Java 5 removed. It uses only features of Doclet API 1.4. This is roughly the same template set, which was provided by default before v1.5.0. The reason why it is included now is to help you to understand how everything works. Since it is designed only for Java 1.4, this template set is the simplest. Also, if your project does not involve Java 5 extra features (at least those to be documented), you may use this template set as a starting point for your own further customizations.
templates/JavadocPro/ The new JavadocPro template set that implements the most advanced Java API documentation generator with the support of filtering of classes and members by tags/annotations:
  • The template to generate framed HTML documentation identical to classic JavaDoc.
  • The template to generate single file documentation (in RTF or HTML format).
demo/ Java files for demo generation:
  • Java 1.4 demo project
  • Java 5.0 demo project
integrations/ The support files for integrations of DocFlex/Javadoc with other software systems
integrations/ant/ Ant example files:
  • A simple ANT buildfile to demonstrate integration of DocFlex Doclet with Apache Ant
  • Windows command file to run Ant
  • Linux shell script to run Ant
integrations/maven/ Maven example files (see also Running Maven Demo):
  • A sample Maven project file configured to generate with Maven a demo JavaDoc using DocFlex Doclet. (This file is used by site.bat and
  • Windows command file to generated a project site including a demo JavaDoc generated with DocFlex Doclet.
  • The same prepared for Linux

Technical Requirements

DocFlex/Javadoc requires the Javadoc Tool delivered with one of the following Java Development Kits: (JDK 7 may be preferable as it is the fastest.)

Since DocFlex/Javadoc is a pure Java application (the Template Designer GUI is based entirely on Swing), it is supposed to work on any operating system with the installed JDK.

Specifically, the software includes both MS Windows BAT files and Linux shell script files to run DocFlex/Javadoc immediately on those operating systems. See Windows Installation and Linux Installation respectively.

We were also reported that DocFlex/Javadoc worked successfully under Mac OS X.

Licensing / Processing Modes

Depending on your license, DocFlex/Javadoc may work in three different modes: limited, full or trial.

Limited Mode

The Limited Mode is covered by the Limited Free License. It is activated by default when no other licenses have been found. This mode allows you:

Full Mode

The Full Mode is activated in the presence of a Commercial or Academic License for DocFlex/Javadoc. This mode allows you:

Trial Mode

The Trial Mode is activated in the presence of a Trial License for DocFlex/Javadoc. In this mode, the software will work the same as in the full mode except the following limitations:


Windows Installation

To install DocFlex/Javadoc on Windows, please follow these steps:
  1. Unzip the downloaded archive.
  2. Edit *.bat files in DocFlex/Javadoc root directory to specify the JDK variable according to the location of JDK (Java Development Kit) installed on your system.
  3. Copy the DocFlex license key file docflex.license, which you must have received by e-mail, to lib directory. This file should always be near the docflex-javadoc.jar file!
Now, everything must be ready.
Just run designer.bat or generator.bat !

Linux Installation

To install DocFlex/Javadoc on Linux, please follow these steps:
  1. Unzip the downloaded archive.
  2. Edit *.sh shell script files contained in linux subdirectory to specify the JDK variable according to the location of JDK installed on your system. (Note: You may also need to edit "Permission" properties of each shell script file to allow it to be executed by Linux.)
  3. Copy the DocFlex license key file docflex.license, which you must have received by e-mail, to lib directory. This file should always be near the docflex-javadoc.jar file!
Now, everything must be ready.
Just run or !

Running Maven Demo

First, of course, you need to have Maven installed on your system.

If you do not have Maven yet, download it from the Apache Maven web-site: The download archive will contain exactly the Maven home directory, which you may unpack at any location (e.g. C:\apache-maven-2.2.1).

Further, please follow these steps (Windows platform):

  1. Edit {docflex-javadoc}\integrations\maven\site.bat to specify 'JAVA_HOME' and 'M2_HOME' variables according to the locations of Java and Maven installed on your system.
  2. Switch the current directory to {docflex-javadoc}\integrations\maven and run site.bat, which will generate the project web-site. After Maven ends you will see a new 'target' subdirectory.
  3. Open target\site\index.html file. Then, go to "Project Reports" and click "DocFlex Doclet Demo". You will see the demo JavaDoc generated by DocFlex Doclet.
On Linux, everything is the same except that, instead of *.bat, you should use *.sh command files.

Note: To pass those steps, Maven may need to download from Internet and install lots of plugins. (In fact, Maven is all made of various plugins, which it downloads from Internet dynamically as needed.) So, you must be connected to Internet during this.

Getting Help

The most up-to-date information about DocFlex/Javadoc can be found on the product home page: | DocFlex/Javadoc.

We are always happy to hear any questions, suggestions, comments, etc. about this software.
Please, e-mail us to: or

Change Log

Please see: {docflex-javadoc}/CHANGES.html

Copyright© 2004-2012 Filigris Works, Leonid Rudy Softwareprodukte. All rights reserved.